Yesterday I was online with Prisc. I really felt bad for her that her mum has gone to be with the Lord. Be strong my dear. There's a lot of people around you that care about you. It was really a shock for me that her mum suddenly passed away right after their family vacation. The moral of this situation is to embrace and appreciate those around you. You never know when you would loose them.
I've had many downs compared to ups in 2009. A year full of worries and uncertainty where i would always count days on my desk calender, but yet, I'm really glad that it has passed and I went through it.
Positive start for the new year. I'm training myself to look at all the positive effects of everything and not hold back but to live today as there is no tomorrow.. I shall say, I'm not a person with yearly resolutions and stuff. I try not to because you should change tomorrow than the boring today instead of waiting a whole year to do it.
Seems like 2010 is going to be a great year. My intuitions says strongly so. Why worry about tomorrow for tomorrow can worry about itself, today has enough troubles of its own. =)
So how was my year end celebration?? Yes I stayed home for christmas. It was not that bad though. Yes, I slept like half the day dreaming that I would be home. A good way to spend it right?
Homemade 3 course meal
To usher the new year, I went to Vienna which is in Austria. For those not so geographical, it's on the left side of Germany on the Europe map. Austria is mainly famous for sausaes and art, music from composers like Mozart and his line of artistic people. I do not really know because I'm half mainstream music blind. Though my cousins studying music wold really appreciate those art.
Street artists
Vienna is 3 hours away from my place by speedtrain. Like Kuching to Sibu right? According to Freda. It is so multiracial that you could hardly understand what language people spoke. Yes they have a lot of Asians which explains all my Asian meal while I was there. Japanese food for both lunches. I miss japanese food. It's hard to find cute colorful bento here or teriyaki of any kind. hmm..
Anyways, I'll end here to post up pics of my New Year Vienna trip.
Old Town
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