
Monday, January 11, 2010

Kepenatan sihh..

For the last few days, I've been drawing and claculating and reading... when does this stop? so sedih kan.. penatlaa... my back is so strained and the weather is so freakin cold. On the other hand, I'm so tempted to crawl in my heated comfy bed. It gets really warm at the early mornings =)

It's starting to snow so heavily now. Finally I got my door mat which the postmasn stuffed into my tiny postbox. I was fighting with the postbox to get it out. It was so funny that I laughed alone while doing it. Like those comic scenes when a guy fights pulling newspaper from the dogs mouth. Ngahaha... Now I am wet-entrance-filled-with-sand-and-snow free!

Countingdown, 2 more weeks till exams, two more weeks til the official end of my 3rd semester. Time flies really fast right? Super duper whooper.. owhh... I miss eating BK whopper with Changi in KlCC.. Entah whe la we can go back to those times. Now Malaysia is so diffrent... and it's only the beginning of the year. God bless my Country.

I really can't wait till all of this is over. Though I'll be starting my 4 month practical stint in Mühlbauer Roding. It was really hard looking for a Grundpraktikum spot. It's either you are too late or .. I have no other reason. ngeh. But I really thank God and those prayers that He answered.. to provide my with my placement.

To ease myself from all these tension, I'm starting to think of what to do in between my post exam period and my practical.. I'm gonna self highlight my hair.. anyone wanna join? hihii

I'm off to cook dinner. Hi Carbonara.

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