Exam started on Wednesday. Up to today, I've been having 3 exams in a row everyday. I'm so exhausted!!
I just came back from Konstuktion II.. that Construction 2 in english. I feel like pulling my hair out from its roots. Questions were just so unapplicable not forgetting that the whole exam hall did not undestand the question. Then the was discussion at the back part of the romm. So the Professor had to explain what the question wanted.
All I remembered was Bohrung durchmesser12, Kugel, Umlenkhebel mit Bolzen, Mutter und gewinde sicherung. The rest is all imaginative. ggggrr~~
Part 2 was an open book exam. 5 questions the first on listings of a holepuncher.. *speechless*
3 exams done.. 7 more to go. stress = spannung..
spannung, biegung, torsions, moment, schubspannung... lalalalalalalaaa
eh, I just realized that next week will be a new month. Wohoo!! Go go 2010.. end faster!! padahal bru jak 1st month. And the snow storm is getting worse
Friday, January 29, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Food Supply
After 3 months surfing the ocean..
All this came last week. The bliss of a student. To be grateful for these little things.
Courtesy of Everrise 4th Mile. haha.. Thank you mummy. =)
Mebe this shoud go to Haiti.. hmm..
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Love Hate Affair
Which is easier? To love or to hate? Many promote love but only little know how to love. Thus the result of hate, the opposite of love. Why is it so hard for us to show love? Why does'nt anyone want to do the right thing? Nevertheless, doing the wrong thing is easier. Is that what God wants you to do?
Recently, a group was made to hate a certain person. Yesterday it had 500 followers. Today, amazingly 3000 Sarawakians join the group. Promoting unnescessary hate. With technology it's much easier. The reason, we were called jungle people and that all Sarawakian girls are bithes and sluts. Face the fact that all Sarawakians have been called jungle people and that we are not advanced enough, not forgetting, we also are 'kampung'. On the other hand, bitches and sluts can be found everywhre aroud the world.
Whos ingnorance of Malaysia is that? Definately not ours but the other party. It's not our fault that they are un-educated enough about their own country. So what shoud we do? Hate? We should on the other hand educate them, not like the media do. But in our own gentle ways. The media only shows that Sarawak people wear 'cawat', hunt in the jungle, live in longhouses and their main mode of transport is the sampan. Why don't we change the prespective and go against the media instead? (but no, Sarawakians think that it's good that the media shows that to enhance the Tourism industry).
Being a Sarawakian myself, I often get a lot of those comments when I'm studying in the West. Some even think that Sarawak is not a part of Malaysia. Who do we blame? their ignorance? them?? I say the media. Yes, Sarawak is blessed with many culture and beautiful forests but thats what the media only shows. Not its real present people in the present 20th century. As for our daily living, no we do not hunt nor do we fish. We buy food from the supermarket and work in front of the computer to make ends meet. We go to school sitting in our cars and we go for holidays sitting in planes. Just like other West Malaysians do. Not forgetting that English is 70% our mother tounge (for those living in town), besides Bahasa Malaysia and our native laguage. Most of us live openly, mixing with other 26 races present in our land, adding its authenticity.
So why judge us? We are actually proud of who we are. Not of what you say about us. Lets see how many Sarawakians will comment on what they have experienced living in the land of the West.
Instead of hating, do the tougher job, which is to love. And please mind your attitude and manners. Just because of one tiny thing, everyone gets the blame. You do not want to be like any other ordinary people our there my fellow Sarawakians. We are more than that.
Yes, I do love my fellow West Malaysians too..
Recently, a group was made to hate a certain person. Yesterday it had 500 followers. Today, amazingly 3000 Sarawakians join the group. Promoting unnescessary hate. With technology it's much easier. The reason, we were called jungle people and that all Sarawakian girls are bithes and sluts. Face the fact that all Sarawakians have been called jungle people and that we are not advanced enough, not forgetting, we also are 'kampung'. On the other hand, bitches and sluts can be found everywhre aroud the world.
Whos ingnorance of Malaysia is that? Definately not ours but the other party. It's not our fault that they are un-educated enough about their own country. So what shoud we do? Hate? We should on the other hand educate them, not like the media do. But in our own gentle ways. The media only shows that Sarawak people wear 'cawat', hunt in the jungle, live in longhouses and their main mode of transport is the sampan. Why don't we change the prespective and go against the media instead? (but no, Sarawakians think that it's good that the media shows that to enhance the Tourism industry).
Being a Sarawakian myself, I often get a lot of those comments when I'm studying in the West. Some even think that Sarawak is not a part of Malaysia. Who do we blame? their ignorance? them?? I say the media. Yes, Sarawak is blessed with many culture and beautiful forests but thats what the media only shows. Not its real present people in the present 20th century. As for our daily living, no we do not hunt nor do we fish. We buy food from the supermarket and work in front of the computer to make ends meet. We go to school sitting in our cars and we go for holidays sitting in planes. Just like other West Malaysians do. Not forgetting that English is 70% our mother tounge (for those living in town), besides Bahasa Malaysia and our native laguage. Most of us live openly, mixing with other 26 races present in our land, adding its authenticity.
So why judge us? We are actually proud of who we are. Not of what you say about us. Lets see how many Sarawakians will comment on what they have experienced living in the land of the West.
Instead of hating, do the tougher job, which is to love. And please mind your attitude and manners. Just because of one tiny thing, everyone gets the blame. You do not want to be like any other ordinary people our there my fellow Sarawakians. We are more than that.
Yes, I do love my fellow West Malaysians too..
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Tomato Kueh Tiaw
A Sarawakian who does'nt know the existance of tomato kueh tiaw should be ashamed of yourself. Because it's a legendry Sarawakian cuisine, along side its famous buddies such as Kolo Mee and Laksa Sarawak.
Damn, I miss Tomato Kueh Tiaw. But fear not because I can prepare one all by myself. *bangga*
Due to pictures of food I always lay my eyes on in my freinds blogs. I turned hungry and some local Sarawak dish would really save my saliva. I can even remember that Tomato Kueh Tiaw is served on Thursdays at St Teresa school canteen. It was really good. Does your school canteen serve tomato kueh taiw? If not, pity you =P
Finding fresh Kueh Tiaw in Germany? Fresh ones?? Dats like finding a love shaped rock in the bottom of the ocean. But guess what, I managed to find the heart shaped rock. Yippeee!! (Just that it's not fresh)
This dried kueh tiaw (sama geng ngan bihun) needs to be boiled before being edible. It's quite starchy so I boil them, changing the water twice, until it'soft enough. I added in a few drops of oil into the pot to avoid the kueh tiaw from sticking together. Stir occasionally to make them saperate.
So heat the pot and add in a bit of oil to stirfry some garlic (need not be much), than add in your choice of what you want your gravy to have. If there's green vege, put it in before you serve your gravy.
Damn, I miss Tomato Kueh Tiaw. But fear not because I can prepare one all by myself. *bangga*
Due to pictures of food I always lay my eyes on in my freinds blogs. I turned hungry and some local Sarawak dish would really save my saliva. I can even remember that Tomato Kueh Tiaw is served on Thursdays at St Teresa school canteen. It was really good. Does your school canteen serve tomato kueh taiw? If not, pity you =P
Finding fresh Kueh Tiaw in Germany? Fresh ones?? Dats like finding a love shaped rock in the bottom of the ocean. But guess what, I managed to find the heart shaped rock. Yippeee!! (Just that it's not fresh)
The humble dried kuehtiaw imported from Thailand aka Pad Thai Noodle
This dried kueh tiaw (sama geng ngan bihun) needs to be boiled before being edible. It's quite starchy so I boil them, changing the water twice, until it'soft enough. I added in a few drops of oil into the pot to avoid the kueh tiaw from sticking together. Stir occasionally to make them saperate.
Steam the place baby
After this is cooked, drain and place under cold running water for a few minutes. Than it is ready to be fried.
Frying the kuehtiaw (I used a pan, I'm deprived of woks and a flaming stove)
You'll only need chopped garlic, dark soy sauce and oil. Heat the pan till its ''as hot as your ass'' than pour enough oil to cover the whole base. When it's hot enough, stir-fry the garlic. Than, add in the kueh tiaw. The pan should be hot enough that the kueh tiaw does not stick. That's why those taukey at the stalls have all those flaming stunts that i'm always amazed with. Add soysauce till the noodle is colorised (a lil on the scientific side). Stir all together till it is cooked. If the soy sauce is not salty enough, maybe you can add a lil bit of salt.
Yeahh the sauce part. I'm loving it.
What do you want to put in your delightful gravy?
I had fish pieces, prawns, fishballs and sotong balls. On the other hand, I'd love to have cuttlefish and some green vege. It's all up to you.
So heat the pot and add in a bit of oil to stirfry some garlic (need not be much), than add in your choice of what you want your gravy to have. If there's green vege, put it in before you serve your gravy.
Now the most important ingredient is tomato sauce. Usually, we see the tauley use those tomato sauce which you can buy for rm10 for 1 big bottle like people ''darurat air''. Last time i did mine with unbranded tomato sauce. This time I almost finished up my Heinz. I think it tasted better with the 'one senduk' of unbranded sauce. Measurements depends on how many servings you might want to have. I did mine with two servings, I almost finished my bottle of sauce.
Other Ingeredients I use are
Oyster sauce (ratio of 1:4 to Tomato sauce)
Maggi Seasoning (only a dash, not too much)
Chicken Stock (diluted)
Cornstarch (to thicken the gravy)
Enough water
Salt, Pepper and Sugar
chicken stock diluted in water in a Jägermeister shot glass ... LOL
With all the prawns, fishballs and etc inside the pot, pour in the diluted chicken stock and water. Than add in tomato sauce and oystersauce. Stir till all is combined. Add salt and pepper (preferbly Sarawak Black Pepper). Add a dash of Maggi Seasoning. I add a few table spoons of sugar to make my gravy sweet. Lastly, dilute a few tablesppons of cornstarch in water and add into gravy. Stir till all is well, pour over fried kueh tiaw and walla... SARAWAK TOMATO KUEH TIAW (char siew would be really great to top it off!)
*burp* I'm satisfied. When are you gonna make yours?
Friday, January 15, 2010
I need color pencils
Facebook and its lovers
Face it, most of us have a facebook account. The new technology that connects us to people around us, wether it would be for business or pleasure. Even our parents have facebook. My mum has facebook, lets not forgetting her siblings. So now my whole family has a facebook acount and surprsingly at times, they spent more time commenting on pictures than I do! For some, parents having facebook would really suck as it was once said on a status, ''I feel like my freedom has been taken away''.
But I love it that everyone in my family have facebook. Than I can go through family pictures more often especially during my homesick moments. To watch my nieces grow, to see pictures of my uncles and aunties in the past. Facebook is a nostalgic walk for some of us.
I've read that due to the growth of facebook, people tend to refer more on their own opinion, not being open to the opinion of others. Let's see how many of use read the status of others and go ''who does she think she is??'' yeap, we start to judge people. I'm guilty. Sometimes I feel like smashing the monitor when I see status or comments that are hurting or people who think that they are so cool. Owh, lets not foeget those whos status would get ''news'' everyday. Popular aite. As my best friend says, some people has slow news today.. cerita tidak laku.
According to a survey, due to facebook, real life relationships are falling but people are making more acquaintances. Worth it? Like some people have 3000 friends on facebook but do they know all those 3000 friends individualy? Whats your guess? Popularity?? gahh..
In 2009 Facebook users have grown about 60% (somewhere around that figure) than the last few years. How many of us wake up to sit in front of the PC to watch our world go by and play facebook games? It's addictive. I know.
Not forgetting those groups people make. Sometimes I think it's out of control.Sure you don't have to pay membership fees and stuff, but groups like ''If 1 million people join this i will get the facebook logo as a tattoo''??. There's another guy that did this group pledge to tattoo all the pokemons on his back.ngahhaa.. Look it up. What has the world gone into??
I find facebook sometimes really annoying because people use it to promote racial issues or even argue. Get a life please. Be real and argue face to face, on in your little virtual world. Face it, some people who are so popular on Facebook are not-so-famous in real life.
What can I say about Facebook? The more 'maju' people are, the more they think they outsmart others. Please use facebook for its real purpose which is to stay connected. Not to make mankind go against one another.
So how does facebook control you?
But I love it that everyone in my family have facebook. Than I can go through family pictures more often especially during my homesick moments. To watch my nieces grow, to see pictures of my uncles and aunties in the past. Facebook is a nostalgic walk for some of us.
I've read that due to the growth of facebook, people tend to refer more on their own opinion, not being open to the opinion of others. Let's see how many of use read the status of others and go ''who does she think she is??'' yeap, we start to judge people. I'm guilty. Sometimes I feel like smashing the monitor when I see status or comments that are hurting or people who think that they are so cool. Owh, lets not foeget those whos status would get ''news'' everyday. Popular aite. As my best friend says, some people has slow news today.. cerita tidak laku.
According to a survey, due to facebook, real life relationships are falling but people are making more acquaintances. Worth it? Like some people have 3000 friends on facebook but do they know all those 3000 friends individualy? Whats your guess? Popularity?? gahh..
In 2009 Facebook users have grown about 60% (somewhere around that figure) than the last few years. How many of us wake up to sit in front of the PC to watch our world go by and play facebook games? It's addictive. I know.
Not forgetting those groups people make. Sometimes I think it's out of control.Sure you don't have to pay membership fees and stuff, but groups like ''If 1 million people join this i will get the facebook logo as a tattoo''??. There's another guy that did this group pledge to tattoo all the pokemons on his back.ngahhaa.. Look it up. What has the world gone into??
I find facebook sometimes really annoying because people use it to promote racial issues or even argue. Get a life please. Be real and argue face to face, on in your little virtual world. Face it, some people who are so popular on Facebook are not-so-famous in real life.
What can I say about Facebook? The more 'maju' people are, the more they think they outsmart others. Please use facebook for its real purpose which is to stay connected. Not to make mankind go against one another.
So how does facebook control you?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I love being a student (=.=)
dats it.. I'm so tired out of my freaking body.. gila bah.. I woke up and it was 9 am, i did my work and it was 1 pm. Than again I continued to do my laundry and back to face my notes. Look at the time, its 730pm. Stared at my reports and plotting all my protocols its already 2254hours!! where the heck did time go??!! cilaka punya benda. shiahhh..
and the best thing is, I forgot to eat.. demmit.. I always forgot to eat. sik kurus juakaku tok.
Oficially, I can be a work-o-holic.. (eh suddenly i miss drinking Horlicks)
aku tok dh pancit dah tok.. aku sik tauk apa gik mok polah.. my back is so strained I just hope I won't get those bad ass headaches.. gahh!!
than again, when I work, I can't have many holidays as I do now. Not forgetting not going to class when I don't feel like it..
When will life get fair?
owhh look.. a name plate from Barcelona.. ngehhehe.. an addition to my present Mandas-gift -in-an-envelope Aussie plate. =)
lembik dh aku tok.. mok guling2 la.aa
and the best thing is, I forgot to eat.. demmit.. I always forgot to eat. sik kurus juakaku tok.
Oficially, I can be a work-o-holic.. (eh suddenly i miss drinking Horlicks)
aku tok dh pancit dah tok.. aku sik tauk apa gik mok polah.. my back is so strained I just hope I won't get those bad ass headaches.. gahh!!
than again, when I work, I can't have many holidays as I do now. Not forgetting not going to class when I don't feel like it..
When will life get fair?
owhh look.. a name plate from Barcelona.. ngehhehe.. an addition to my present Mandas-gift -in-an-envelope Aussie plate. =)
lembik dh aku tok.. mok guling2 la.aa
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Love my curves
One thing that I'll always be known for would be my fat ass.. yes, I know. You don't have to hide your wide opened eyes whenever I turn my back on you. Coz I myself open my eyes so widely whenever I look at the mirror.. ngeh!
But today I found this...
A fat ass is good for your health. Keeps heart attack and diabetes away.
What more can I say.. stare at my ass all you want.
The only problem now is buying my jeans.. huhuuu.. butt to waist ratio differs too much!! argh! maybe they will figure out a solution for people like me.
So be proud all you fat ass ladies. Tell them to kiss your ass!!
But today I found this...

What more can I say.. stare at my ass all you want.
The only problem now is buying my jeans.. huhuuu.. butt to waist ratio differs too much!! argh! maybe they will figure out a solution for people like me.
So be proud all you fat ass ladies. Tell them to kiss your ass!!
Winter Whiteness!!!
So let me tell you about winter...
... but then again, pictures speaks louder than words. So I'll just show pictures =)
Outside my window
From my Kitchen
From the entrance

Then there's the long walk to the Uni

Owh.. not forgetting this snowman that these peeps did at 12 am yesterday!!!
*ketuk2 tingkap suruh klua main* malas ahh.. dhlah sejuk!!!
I got to see the result of thier 3 hour snowman project! 3 hours ok1! they came back at 330 am.. Thank Go dI did not join.. I'd possibly freeze to death!

Awe's hat and towel.. LOL.. no carrot nose for this fellow
brrrr... cold!!
... but then again, pictures speaks louder than words. So I'll just show pictures =)
Outside my window
Then there's the long walk to the Uni
*ketuk2 tingkap suruh klua main* malas ahh.. dhlah sejuk!!!
I got to see the result of thier 3 hour snowman project! 3 hours ok1! they came back at 330 am.. Thank Go dI did not join.. I'd possibly freeze to death!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Kepenatan sihh..
For the last few days, I've been drawing and claculating and reading... when does this stop? so sedih kan.. penatlaa... my back is so strained and the weather is so freakin cold. On the other hand, I'm so tempted to crawl in my heated comfy bed. It gets really warm at the early mornings =)
It's starting to snow so heavily now. Finally I got my door mat which the postmasn stuffed into my tiny postbox. I was fighting with the postbox to get it out. It was so funny that I laughed alone while doing it. Like those comic scenes when a guy fights pulling newspaper from the dogs mouth. Ngahaha... Now I am wet-entrance-filled-with-sand-and-snow free!
Countingdown, 2 more weeks till exams, two more weeks til the official end of my 3rd semester. Time flies really fast right? Super duper whooper.. owhh... I miss eating BK whopper with Changi in KlCC.. Entah whe la we can go back to those times. Now Malaysia is so diffrent... and it's only the beginning of the year. God bless my Country.
I really can't wait till all of this is over. Though I'll be starting my 4 month practical stint in Mühlbauer Roding. It was really hard looking for a Grundpraktikum spot. It's either you are too late or .. I have no other reason. ngeh. But I really thank God and those prayers that He answered.. to provide my with my placement.
To ease myself from all these tension, I'm starting to think of what to do in between my post exam period and my practical.. I'm gonna self highlight my hair.. anyone wanna join? hihii
I'm off to cook dinner. Hi Carbonara.
It's starting to snow so heavily now. Finally I got my door mat which the postmasn stuffed into my tiny postbox. I was fighting with the postbox to get it out. It was so funny that I laughed alone while doing it. Like those comic scenes when a guy fights pulling newspaper from the dogs mouth. Ngahaha... Now I am wet-entrance-filled-with-sand-and-snow free!
Countingdown, 2 more weeks till exams, two more weeks til the official end of my 3rd semester. Time flies really fast right? Super duper whooper.. owhh... I miss eating BK whopper with Changi in KlCC.. Entah whe la we can go back to those times. Now Malaysia is so diffrent... and it's only the beginning of the year. God bless my Country.
I really can't wait till all of this is over. Though I'll be starting my 4 month practical stint in Mühlbauer Roding. It was really hard looking for a Grundpraktikum spot. It's either you are too late or .. I have no other reason. ngeh. But I really thank God and those prayers that He answered.. to provide my with my placement.
To ease myself from all these tension, I'm starting to think of what to do in between my post exam period and my practical.. I'm gonna self highlight my hair.. anyone wanna join? hihii
I'm off to cook dinner. Hi Carbonara.
Friday, January 8, 2010
A Cause for a teary Eye
It was an unpleasant sleep I had last nite. It did not stop when I woke up.
I always have intuitions when bad things will happen. Like when my house was broken into or something happens to anyone I love.
Today, I got news from home through facebook. And I got this.

It is the start of the new year with hopes and dreams. But my country turned back into history. It really has racism issues. Real bad ones. Maybe another May 13th? I pray not.
But this has really got out of hand. I'm not condemning anyone, Lord bless those who attack your place of worship.
Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but instead bless others because you were called to inherit a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9
This is really sad. I mean really really sad.
But its ok. My God will not be shaken by three attacked churces. Or all churches in the world.
I believe that God is a great God. And those doing such things are foolish people who build their house on sands.
It's putting the peace of Malaysia at stake. That's the really sad part.
I don't want my country to be rubbish and people kill each other. God bless Malaysia.
So lets wait and see what God can do.
I always have intuitions when bad things will happen. Like when my house was broken into or something happens to anyone I love.
Today, I got news from home through facebook. And I got this.

It is the start of the new year with hopes and dreams. But my country turned back into history. It really has racism issues. Real bad ones. Maybe another May 13th? I pray not.
But this has really got out of hand. I'm not condemning anyone, Lord bless those who attack your place of worship.
Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but instead bless others because you were called to inherit a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9
This is really sad. I mean really really sad.But its ok. My God will not be shaken by three attacked churces. Or all churches in the world.
I believe that God is a great God. And those doing such things are foolish people who build their house on sands.
It's putting the peace of Malaysia at stake. That's the really sad part.
I don't want my country to be rubbish and people kill each other. God bless Malaysia.
So lets wait and see what God can do.
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Old Has Pass, The New Shall Come
2009 was a really tough year for all of us especially those affected by the economic downturn. Many lost jobs and businesses. But here ye, here ye.. a new year has come. Not forgetting its the last year of this decade.
Yesterday I was online with Prisc. I really felt bad for her that her mum has gone to be with the Lord. Be strong my dear. There's a lot of people around you that care about you. It was really a shock for me that her mum suddenly passed away right after their family vacation. The moral of this situation is to embrace and appreciate those around you. You never know when you would loose them.
I've had many downs compared to ups in 2009. A year full of worries and uncertainty where i would always count days on my desk calender, but yet, I'm really glad that it has passed and I went through it.
Positive start for the new year. I'm training myself to look at all the positive effects of everything and not hold back but to live today as there is no tomorrow.. I shall say, I'm not a person with yearly resolutions and stuff. I try not to because you should change tomorrow than the boring today instead of waiting a whole year to do it.
Seems like 2010 is going to be a great year. My intuitions says strongly so. Why worry about tomorrow for tomorrow can worry about itself, today has enough troubles of its own. =)
So how was my year end celebration?? Yes I stayed home for christmas. It was not that bad though. Yes, I slept like half the day dreaming that I would be home. A good way to spend it right?

To usher the new year, I went to Vienna which is in Austria. For those not so geographical, it's on the left side of Germany on the Europe map. Austria is mainly famous for sausaes and art, music from composers like Mozart and his line of artistic people. I do not really know because I'm half mainstream music blind. Though my cousins studying music wold really appreciate those art.

Vienna is 3 hours away from my place by speedtrain. Like Kuching to Sibu right? According to Freda. It is so multiracial that you could hardly understand what language people spoke. Yes they have a lot of Asians which explains all my Asian meal while I was there. Japanese food for both lunches. I miss japanese food. It's hard to find cute colorful bento here or teriyaki of any kind. hmm..

Anyways, I'll end here to post up pics of my New Year Vienna trip.

Ich wünsche Ihnen einen gute Rutsch für das neues Jahr!

Yesterday I was online with Prisc. I really felt bad for her that her mum has gone to be with the Lord. Be strong my dear. There's a lot of people around you that care about you. It was really a shock for me that her mum suddenly passed away right after their family vacation. The moral of this situation is to embrace and appreciate those around you. You never know when you would loose them.
I've had many downs compared to ups in 2009. A year full of worries and uncertainty where i would always count days on my desk calender, but yet, I'm really glad that it has passed and I went through it.
Positive start for the new year. I'm training myself to look at all the positive effects of everything and not hold back but to live today as there is no tomorrow.. I shall say, I'm not a person with yearly resolutions and stuff. I try not to because you should change tomorrow than the boring today instead of waiting a whole year to do it.
Seems like 2010 is going to be a great year. My intuitions says strongly so. Why worry about tomorrow for tomorrow can worry about itself, today has enough troubles of its own. =)
So how was my year end celebration?? Yes I stayed home for christmas. It was not that bad though. Yes, I slept like half the day dreaming that I would be home. A good way to spend it right?
Homemade 3 course meal
To usher the new year, I went to Vienna which is in Austria. For those not so geographical, it's on the left side of Germany on the Europe map. Austria is mainly famous for sausaes and art, music from composers like Mozart and his line of artistic people. I do not really know because I'm half mainstream music blind. Though my cousins studying music wold really appreciate those art.
Street artists
Vienna is 3 hours away from my place by speedtrain. Like Kuching to Sibu right? According to Freda. It is so multiracial that you could hardly understand what language people spoke. Yes they have a lot of Asians which explains all my Asian meal while I was there. Japanese food for both lunches. I miss japanese food. It's hard to find cute colorful bento here or teriyaki of any kind. hmm..
Anyways, I'll end here to post up pics of my New Year Vienna trip.
Old Town
Smack this on
Europe Travel,
Seasons Greetings
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