
Friday, December 31, 2010

Day Number 365

So once again, the last day of the year 2010. Day number 365.

The 1st of January is just another day, and counting in this unpermanant life. Like a river that flows. So do days.

I was (am actually, present tense. Still is) on Facebook. Looks like 2010 have been quite a rough year for a lot of us, an unfortunatly, I'm not excluded.

I thought this year has been quite a terrible one. I think I spent 40% of this year crying in bed. Not something good. Lots have been done and have not been done and yes, that's the past.

But to look back again, Amen this year has changed me in quite a lot of was. I made some impossible possible. I walked thorgh the streets of Paris with my two best friends, and had a Europe Vacation with my family. Travelled a lot more places this year. Something I would have never thought of. It's mind blowing actually. Boggling. Bogglyy..

See God makes things happen right? In the midst of brokeness and despair, still I managed a smile, and still the sun comes out to play during the monsoon. Like they say, they a silver lining on every cloud. Or something like that.

Turns out, this horrendous year was not so bad after all.

Spare a smile for 2011. God will be there before you in every way.


The Mannequin said...

Happy New year to you, Ruth!. :D Much love from me, and hope that life will be much kinder to us yeah?


reeyau said...

Happy New Year to you too Prisc!! Yeap, a better year this year!