
Friday, April 29, 2011

Simple Life.

A simple person inherits the riches of both heaven
and earth.

How would you define simple? After all those hard work you've put through in an education, would you just settle for a basic motorbike rather than a Bentley if you could afford it? Simplicity is defined as the absence of difficulty. No worries.

What I would really like is a rather simple life. My dream was very simple. That was more than five years ago. To get an education locally, to one day be married and have kids. If it was'nt for God, my present life won't be a present. I took a rather sharp turn in choosing the road which was much more complicated than I thought. Simple? not in the context of the absence of difficulty.

As far as my eyes could see, a simple person has much more savings for sure. Even if he or she earns very little. Being very thrifty in each spending, economical in every meal, their hopes lie on their dreams for their children. That one day they children would also cherish the sacrifices fo their parents.

In comparison to a person who lust on material things relys man made goods, a simple person believes in God. Even such a simple mindset that God will always be there to guide and provide in every way. A simple person does not turn to what is on earth, but greater things that are in heaven. With a simple heart, they walk the earth as a faithful servant of God.

One day, maybe one day, I'd like to go back to my old very simple dream. To fall for a man whom God has created for me and that I would have a family. For richer or for poorer, he'll still be able to love me, in health and illness, he'll hold on strong to give me strength. Whatever the consequeces are in the relationship, he won't let go of us. And I too would in return do the same for him. How expensive or pretty the wedding gown would be, it does'nt matter. Because a marriage does not depend on the designer or the beauty of the gown or that glorious day.

That my children will soak in the gifts and creations of God rather than face the technology man has made to influence their lives. I'd rather see them fight over who wins the race by getting to the top of the hill than fighting over the game console I want them to be able to appreciate the good things God has made for man. To jump in rivers, to climb trees and pick juicy fruits, to pick up waste of animals and still love them, to learn moral values and the fruit of the spirit and most important, to make God the center of their lives.

One day, I'd be able to live on the countryside, humble and just, teaching my kids the value of life. To care for my gardening every evening and have my feet soak in the river after. To run the fields with my dogs and to pamper my cats in the nights. To have limited access to the technology world but very close friendship with men themselve. That I one day would turn away from this world of materialism and lust for what will one day be destroyed by nature.

Ask me again if one day I would still humbly drive in a tiny car, though I would one day be a graduate from the worlds strongest automotive industry. Yes I would.

Because all things man made will only last for a moment. Until man themselves come to destroy. Or God plans to take it all away from you.

I want to be simple.


Nik Alya said...

"Ask me again if one day I would still humbly drive in a tiny car, though I would one day be a graduate from the worlds strongest automotive industry. Yes I would."

Nicely put. But then again Ruth, even though money can't buy happiness, somehow it's more comfortable to cry in a BMW than on a bicycle. No? Hehe:D

DB9 said...

i wantobe simple too but i dun want 2 be like a normal simple people..

can u perhaps gimme any idea bout dat??


reeyau said...

alya : a BMW will make me cry most of the time. from the time i empty my pockets to buy it, the time my kids spill ice cream on its seat, the time it gets scratch, to the time i need to maintain every single part of it. LOL

DB9 : maybe u can learn a bit from Paris Hilton. To inherit a multimillion hotel chain and film a Simple Life about yourself.

Anonymous said...

life doesnt have to be all complicated.. im happy with the choices i made...and i have God to thank for that.. the moment i gave God my life, he gave me a husband, good results, and now a daughter. we might not be rich and successful.. but define successful. do i need to have Dr. before my name? i prefer to be happy... i love your post.. it has touched me in a way i couldnt explain. my life right now, although not as perfect as i hoped it should be... i'm happy.

Nik Alya said...

HAHA bena juak ya :p

gloriatsan said...

hey ruth! i hope you still remember me. i came upon your blog and was really inspired by this post. :)

reeyau said...

hey gloria. of course i still remember u!!