so im here in germany already. its been 3 days. i think. ive lost count of days. im trying to catch up with german speakers and the cold autumn weather. im still freezing as the temperature drops. i dont know how it would be like in winter though. the leaves are starting to loose their color. it seems like just last week that i told manda to pick autumn leaves for me. and now im surrounded by them. time flies so fast. being here seems impossible to me before. but im reaaly thankful that god gave me this dream that came through.
landshut is 45km north-east of munich bavaria. south means that its colder than the other parts. my batch is the first batch of malaysian students here. so we get the stares when we go around town. theres not a lot of foreigners in this small town. we still manage to get around though with our not so high quality deutsch. but i just pray that things will get better. we have gone through the small city and i still feel like its a dream being here. there is more to come though. another few years to count foward to and that also means lonely festive seasons like gawai and christmas.
im starting to miss malaysia though. especially the food. lunch time here means dinner back home. and im imagining the ramadan bazaar. the thought of it makes me hungry. but i dont seem to get hungry here. i just dont have the mood to eat. i miss my family and friends. every song will remind me of everything back home. just now i was sitting at burger king while watching the video clips on the tv. it made me realise that im alone now. watching chris browns forever video makes me feel sad inside as it reminds me of audrey and my dear sister. now theres no one beside me singing along with me despite my not so melodious voice. i yearn for the day that i would cuddle up with them while talking about life or just go out to have fun and audrey can hook up with guys while i get asian international in the clubs! hahaha.
all the when i grow up stories are now made new with diffrent plans that god made for us. so this is where i start my new beginning.
yes yes .. don't u miss kch food? and berjiwang2 when u arrive the first few days .. missing friends n family .. *sighs* ...
3 more months till kch! hehee :P
now i understand why they say that the grass is greener on the otr side. it may not be or taste as good as the ones on my side back home..
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