when we got to muenchen, we visited the Marion Platz. as we got out of the subway station, i was so amazed by the buildings and the structures!! it dated back almost 500 years ago. its government building looked like a museum with statues. if the statues had lives, it would be really spooky. good imagination huh? like what they had for the gargoyles in hunchback of northe dame. the cathedral was so old but it was really huge. i only went through one exit and out the other. but i managed to see the golden alter. we climed the tower to see the whole city. i thought it wont be so high. but it really was. and the best part is that we had to climb the stairs. urghh!! noe im not much of a stamina person so i was already out of breath when we just reache 1/3 of the tower. with much grief, i pushed myself to the top. and of course that was i rush of blood to my face for me. i was sweating despite the really cold raining weather.
we planned to go to the museum but we didnt have enough time so guess where we went.. hihi.. the famous bavarian beer and sausage festival. Oktober Fest. it wasnt only about beer and sausages, its a big carnival with rides and games and of course food. man, i was really excited. the place was filled with many people of different race and color. now, thats what i call beer brings the world together. the reunion factor like the tiger beer advertisement where the beer bottle got saperated from the crate. so this was it, the festival.
their rides were so amazing! the moment i stepped on the carnival ground, i knew i had to ride this ride. i was so excited as usual. ill get to the extreme and that was what i rode. this ride which im not sure what its name is, i really huge and could kill the shit out of you. it was like seeing the city from the top but better. so i got to see the whole city of Muenchen and more as i was upside down with my feet in the air. i was like stepping of muenchen. haha. but hell yeah it was SO great! you could even feel like your blood is gonna rush out your nose and eye sockets. "sorry mummy, i had to do it. i know you wont let me if youre here" theres just something about me and those machanical rides that sometimes my mum really wish i could throw away.
to the rest of the festival, it means beer. the place is crowded with beer drinking people, with a band playing and people cheering and dancing on tables. 1 liter of beer costs 8 euro, withe a wide range of german beer to choose from. still so much cheaper than back home. i wanted to sit and drink but the place was so packed that they only had reservation tables left. n of course id look odd drinking alone in such a fest. so to all my alcoholics this is the festival for you! next time ill make gawai as such. haha. without much luck, i did not have a beer. so i went around and got myself a sausage burger which taste so good and a candy apple.
we left the fest at aroud 5 and there was more people coming to fill the place. we went back to marion platz to have our dinner. as usual, turkish kebab. hehe. this maybe my first time there but well, im sure in 3 or 4 months time, i wont wanna go there again. hehe
haha! yes, i cannot imagine ppl going to work in a cawat .. imagine gare going to work in it! *pengsa kluar buih putih/hitam*
huh? hus gare? apa pulak klua buih? i x understand lah..
i like your blogs.everybody has his or her Unique point of view,so the world seems colourful,and the different views rich our life.
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