2 years ago, i left my hometown to study in west malaysia. an adventure that i could not imagine. i was blessed with good friends despite their reigion and race, a great church and a solid rock to stand on. being a gapp (german a-level preparation programme) student have been tough for me and also my coursemates. we have shed tears of joy and also hurts. strangers became closer than brothers or sisters and we all lived like a family. after 2 years had passed, this is where i stand today. we haf ended our stressful but interesing journey in the german-malaysian institute kuala lumpur.
it makes me sad that i have to leave those ive bonded with. we all feel the same. all those silly and funny entertaining memories are never going to fade from my life.
flashback : orientation 2006 (none of us will ever forget soaking in the mud carrying our friend on bamboos!!) , a-level exams , testdaf pruefung , stressful classes (and also lecturers) , some stood outside german class for more than a month!! (thank God it wasnt me!) and let us not not forget the highlight of our extraordinary course.. Vorpraktikum. the Producion Technology department ( and the latest industrial electronics ).. we almost had our hands broken off by filing rusted metal pieces by hand! ( great work we did )
our friendship grew strong as time passes. i owe a great thank you to my coursemates who have always been there for me. stood behind me and gave me encouragement when i really needed it. those who stood up for the rights of the girls in the class *winks* and those who made me laugh when im about to cry. thank you also for making me feel at home as west malaysia is so diferent from the east. to the teachers for having trust and believing that i can make it through.
as the saying goes.. time flies when youre having fun. we all must go on our ways. as for me, it will be hochschule landshut for the next 3 or 4 years. i hope im ready for this rocky ride. a new experience is gonna start real SOON!!
:) All the best to you :) Bestfriends, until we meet again.hugguh.
we will meet again.. one day
;D For sure ;D
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