despite the sun shiny day we had in the afternoon, the temperature went really low at night and this morning. a freezingly cold 2degrees is not what i had in mind. but that was what Landshut gave me. Thank God that my heater is now functioning. on the way to class, the cars parked by the roadside had ice on them. and so does the grass. that must have been really cold.
im learing the culture and language slowly here. they dont speak german baku here. but with a slang which herr angelo calls kelantan slang. na gut, servus, chio!, wieder schau. thats what i hear everyday. im starting to get the flow though. i guss my malay went down the drain. hahhaha. too much kedah-isch malay. ang pi mana? serapih! just hope my bidayuh dont get influenced. well, a new day, something new to learn. life teaches us to make us better i guess..
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