
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 Things I Love Doing : Taking long walks alone

It's not easy to admit you like being alone. But sometimes it does take the best out of you. Hi. I'm Ruth Reeyau and I'd like to tell you that I like spending hours alone. In town, in trains, theough the forest, by the river. As I get older in life, I realise that a lot of people don't really matter to us. Some will just come and go, some leave scars, some pull your spirit down, some will leave you broken, some would just want to take advantages of you. And I've been through all those just like any human being would.

So I took a pledge on my own, if a person isn't that important, don't make them an important aspect in your daily being as a successfully normal human being. Not that I have ill feelings towards anyone. I just don't want to make a big deal out of life because of some people who have shifted my colorful painting into a dull one.

No, I'm not a loner. I just pick people to be in my life specifically.

So most of the time, I'll take myself out. Especially during the summer, and especially during stressed out moments when I'd question the hell out of everything. It's what I'd do. I'd ride my "late" crooked bike to the dam not far away. Sometimes I'd just sit there as time goes by and come back with sunburn on my face. I'd just leave my phone back in my room and just concentrate on me. I've been to movies alone, taking the train from Landshut to Munich. Shopped alone, just being able to entertain myself alone. Sometimes there would be tears in my eyes after all the pain I go through. I've been many times a crazy girl with tears in my eyes on a bus ride. At these times, I'd just take really long walks. I only need the guidance of my Lord that no one will kidnap me or rape me.

It's not only depressing times that I'd do this. When I'm happy, I'd do it too. When it's autumn and the leaves are changing, it's just so pretty to be out there alone. You know the case when you bring someone and they'll rush you to do things you don't want to do, nor appreciate what you see. Sometimes I'll drift away and find a nice spot to sit, take some photos and send it to loved ones. Because it just simply reminds me of them.

I do eat in public alone, shop alone, travel alone, buy groceries alone. If you can do it alone, why bother people who are so reluctant to be by your side? I know some people who cannot eat alone in public, nor watch a movie alone. One thing about me is that I really don't care what random people would think about me. I'm not so psyched about what people have to talk about me behind my back. So what if I'm alone eating by myself? Are you going to make me a millionaire? The thing about communal people is that they are so afraid of what people would think about them, they never grow. Their minds are always afraid of judgements another broken human would make. The only judgement I'm afraid of is Judgement Day. Other than that, screw you.

After I have my own private time, I'd feel refresh. I'd be more grateful, thankful for still being alive. That I still have important people to share my life with, share my photos with, buy gifts for. It's an eye opener, that my little problems aren't so massiv. That God dressed the grounds with pretty flowers hat never fail to amaze me. That birds still sing in the sky, and another bright day will come after the storm. That without a doubt, after the winter, the trees will be able to have green leaves again.

It's not a negative thing to be alone. Well, not most of the time that is.

I aprove this massage on behalf of those people who eat out alone in public. Thank you.

1 comment:

Karina said...

It doesn't matter if I'm alone, with someone else or in a group I enjoy walking. Many times I do it alone probably not many people do it and think you are weird but I feel it recharges me. Great post!