
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring! Spring!!

I feel like shouting "Spring is here!! Spring is here!!" every time i indulge in the outdoors. Its so great that Spring is already here throwing the dread winter cold behind pushing the crisp cold to down under Australia. But then it wont be that cold out there. There's no need for freezing and shivering, cry in the cold.

So since the weather is soo good here, I'm changing the layout of my blog to represent the happy feelings outside.

Flowers starts blooming and every skinny tree turns fluffy green with leaves. I myself feel like eating those fresh looking green grass that looks so .... hmm, I don't know what adjective to give them. But well, I'm just glad that Spring is here. I won't have to wear layers of clothing anymore and it feels good to feel the radiance of the sun. The sun shines so bright everyday that people start to wear shades. I want one to. But since as all of us know, the kegawaten economy crisis, Mara will not let me buy my cool shades. Ah well, at least I'm not starving.

As the weather gets better, I start to miss home more. The wind reminds me of getting out of the river. And it makes me miss home more!! I'll just have to wait, and wait, till I'm home..

Mummy, Changi I miss you!! =(

Love from Spring, Reeyau.

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