
Friday, December 10, 2010

You know what??

what? *acts sarcasticly, as if I care* or answer with do "I look like I care?"

those were them teenage days long time ago. Kids are much rude nowadays. I think it's the effect of cows milk and sugar poisoned Cola. It makes you both smart, stupid and annoying at the same time.

So I have not been updating this week. I'm actually not even sure what's been going on in my head. To be honest, I don't know if anything is going on *dancing in a dark room of nothing*.

So lets talk about simple things. Like you know when you meet and aquaintence down by the street. So haw have thing been going lately? Are you really going to tell them what you did since 5 days ago? I would just answer, "owhh nothing, I'm fine" *super big smile*

Then again there would be some people you truthfully would want to tell them your story since you woke up last week. Sometimes I really would honestly like to tell people what I go through. But than again, I always think it's none of their business to worry about me *even if they worry sincerely*. So I would rather not worry, deceiving myself because hell everytime I wake up from bed, I'll be counting my steps to the year 2015. See I'm cookoo. Yes, I let myself know that. I'm keep on mumbling alone thank you. And no, I still don't really want to talk about my lonely life in an unknown land where people think I'm so happy.

Anyway, I had fun though today. I went present shopping. And finally managed to get some for people I'm suppose to buy for instead of myself. That RC SLS AMG looked really hot though. I would really like to bring it out in the summer and smile alone watching it. Owh and I drenched my winter boots in the snow, which now looks like I've been out looking for durians in December. Yesterday was hell of a storm. Today, all cars parked outside looked like cute little Mochis.

Yeah, and I find it relaxing to have some sliced watermelon after a day out in the snow.

So, how are you?

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