
Monday, November 3, 2008

Why Science??

Ever wondered why we have to learn science? Or the logical thinking of maths? When i was young i used to question the natural phenomena a lot. why this and why that. Why is the sky blue and the ocean blue? but when u are up in the sky, its just a colorless empty space and the ocean waters are clear in the palm of your hands. I guess most of you who had spent time studying with me would still remember that question. What we see, hear, do or speak has its place in the history of our souls. Maybe some will end up in the history books of our children or grandchildren. That was why we had to learn a lot in our history class. I can imagine Malaysian History in the next 10 years or so. Thank God i was born earlier. Think of what will be printed in those pages : economic down turn of Malaysia, ministers showing who's boss and so what is shown on the news.

A salute to those who made NOW possible
Figuring out a math or physic question is always though. but those who figured it out had a real hard time. Most only got acknowledge after death. and we get it easily at a young age. questions like is the earth square or flat? Yeah, i knew the answer when i was in primary school. the theory of Einstein that gravity exist. I've read somewhere that the equator has a stronger gravity pull. the reason why we are short. Logic or no logic, i myself do not know the answer. what i can say is... only God knows. why?? because he made you and me so he is the master of all creation.

A lot of theories and believes are popping up like mushrooms due to the intelligence of Men this era. And their age gets younger and younger. Most don't end up like Einstein of Archimedes. Above all, there must be basic to what we have today and it is clear that without these gray headed people, none of this would exist. No cars, radios, planes and I would not even be typing this. We would be living in a world of our own not knowing whether there are anyone else besides ourselves. Now, many of us wish we would one day create history. May we be the big shot, super star or President, we all have our own dreams and its ok to dream big. to think again, most of these things are created by accident. we know that humans are not perfect. thats why its ok to make mistakes. it can make you the next big thing one day!

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