
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hairy Solutions

I needed a trim.
Owh btw, yes I've highlighted my hair. But the result did not come out as obvious due to my dark hair.
Not so bright as I expected though. The white flakes are not dandruff kay.. they're snowflakes.

Ok. I needed a trim so bad. I have terrible split ends which always distracts me during my study. It's annoying and dry. I've rarely had problem with my hair since young but being in a foreign place with different conditions. Now I have dry hair with lots of split ends. =(

So there was a search for cheap saloons.. Standard saloon here charge a minimum of 35euro per hair cut which is soo expensive. And it's just a normal haircut without the wash and blow dry.

Than we found one which was 22 euro per hair cut. (cut and go). but I missed reading something on the sign.
I told the hairdresser to only trim the ends cos I had bad split ends. Than he brought me to wash my hair. In my head, ohh maybe he didn't know I only wanted a haircut. Running in my head was how much cash I had with me.

After cutting my hair he said, "after blow-drying we'll see how the cut goes. I'll go get the hair dryer".
He went to get a box of hair brushes and a hair dryer.

He asked me if I needed a hair clip. I was really puzzled. He handed me the hairdryer. Huh??
I had to blow dry my own hair for 22 euros. =(
So sedih.
We cut, You blow-dry 22euros
Saya tidak baca betul-betul bah...


Anonymous said...

Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

The Mannequin said...

aih, so kesian la like that. LOL! that was funny. blow dry sendiri. aduhh. apa la beza nya? waste electricity ka if they blow dry for u? LOL

reeyau said...

ure welcum.

blow dry jak costs 35euros. sik masuk potong rambut. i blur bah thr dey ask me 2 blow dry my own hair. haha

reeyau said...

eh slh.. 15 euros. gila mun 35. hahaa

Felicia Christy said...

kesian u but it so funny la. hahahaha

A V R I L AV R I L said...

meh kaik neh. masik... ahaha.. well, i guess tahts a very great info just incase anyone else wanna get a haircut there.