Since I've been here, I've been using Voip to call home because I usually calling my mums hanphone. I usually topup my Voip once in two months after my credits are finishes. Usually I get the 10euro credit. Including other charges, it's 12euro.
But today after I knew my Homezone number (yes, after a year. Thay's because my mum wanted to try out iTalk), I've found something else.
This is Nonoh.net

As applied to Voip, Nonoh also has to have its credits to call out. You have to be a member than buy some credits using your paypal account or credit card. Rates for Malaysian handphone is 0.010 cents euro compared to 0.015 cents for Voip. Much cheaper. And what I can say I like about Nonoh is that I don't have to sit in front of the computer to call. I call talk on my hp (Homezone number) and be in the kitchen or the toilet.
Maybe I should switch to Nonoh.. Both rate I use and call is free (Germany Homezone and Malaysian Landline). I don't know yet. I'm not sure how much is the rate for nonoh after my talktime is finished. Hopefully cheaper than voip.
Anyway for those who are away from home, maybe you should try this. =)
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