Sunday, December 13, 2009
Take my doubts away
Saturday, December 12, 2009
One Call Away...
I called mummy a few hours ago. I used Low Rate Voip.
You have to be a member, pay a fee for your credits and you'll have a certain amount of free talktime (if the line you're calling is free). You can check it in the rates tab at the webpage. For a Malaysian Handphone number, it's free. Still depending on your talktime.
Since I've been here, I've been using Voip to call home because I usually calling my mums hanphone. I usually topup my Voip once in two months after my credits are finishes. Usually I get the 10euro credit. Including other charges, it's 12euro.
But today after I knew my Homezone number (yes, after a year. Thay's because my mum wanted to try out iTalk), I've found something else.
This is
Using, you get the same thing as Voip. Bust that if you're calling from your landline (my homezone) to your house number (not a Malaysian Handphone), it's free!! (depends on your talktime left).
As applied to Voip, Nonoh also has to have its credits to call out. You have to be a member than buy some credits using your paypal account or credit card. Rates for Malaysian handphone is 0.010 cents euro compared to 0.015 cents for Voip. Much cheaper. And what I can say I like about Nonoh is that I don't have to sit in front of the computer to call. I call talk on my hp (Homezone number) and be in the kitchen or the toilet.
Maybe I should switch to Nonoh.. Both rate I use and call is free (Germany Homezone and Malaysian Landline). I don't know yet. I'm not sure how much is the rate for nonoh after my talktime is finished. Hopefully cheaper than voip.
Anyway for those who are away from home, maybe you should try this. =)

Since I've been here, I've been using Voip to call home because I usually calling my mums hanphone. I usually topup my Voip once in two months after my credits are finishes. Usually I get the 10euro credit. Including other charges, it's 12euro.
But today after I knew my Homezone number (yes, after a year. Thay's because my mum wanted to try out iTalk), I've found something else.
This is

As applied to Voip, Nonoh also has to have its credits to call out. You have to be a member than buy some credits using your paypal account or credit card. Rates for Malaysian handphone is 0.010 cents euro compared to 0.015 cents for Voip. Much cheaper. And what I can say I like about Nonoh is that I don't have to sit in front of the computer to call. I call talk on my hp (Homezone number) and be in the kitchen or the toilet.
Maybe I should switch to Nonoh.. Both rate I use and call is free (Germany Homezone and Malaysian Landline). I don't know yet. I'm not sure how much is the rate for nonoh after my talktime is finished. Hopefully cheaper than voip.
Anyway for those who are away from home, maybe you should try this. =)
Chocolate cake cravings.. emmm... nyum!
Yesterday evening, I was browsing through baking recipes (I always do that when I`m bored). Then suddenly I had this huge craving for Secret Recipes Chocolate Indulgence.. Woho could say no to that (though I'm not as much of a cake lover myself). But just suddenly.. arghh.. I want a piece.
So, instead of dreaming my chocolate cake away, I remmaged thhrough my cabinet looking for ingredients for a chocolate cake. LOL. Yes I have everything I need in my room to bake a cake at any second of the day.
I did'nt have milk. I'm not a big fan of milk... so I had to search for a recipe that did not require it.
While listening to Christmas Lounge Music, I was in the kitchen baking my cupcake. Left it for quite a while to chat with Changi to make it burn =(.. So as usualy me and my top of the cake scraping. It still tasted like chocolate cake though. Just nothing compared to hocolate indulgence. I even made icing. haha. I've alwys had fears of icing due to Taka bakery bright ugly nasty tsting butter icing. But hey, my butter and icing sugar turned out quite well.. *bangga*

*I follow Priscs technique of putting mayo into the batter. It makes the result more fully and yummy.. =)
So, instead of dreaming my chocolate cake away, I remmaged thhrough my cabinet looking for ingredients for a chocolate cake. LOL. Yes I have everything I need in my room to bake a cake at any second of the day.
While listening to Christmas Lounge Music, I was in the kitchen baking my cupcake. Left it for quite a while to chat with Changi to make it burn =(.. So as usualy me and my top of the cake scraping. It still tasted like chocolate cake though. Just nothing compared to hocolate indulgence. I even made icing. haha. I've alwys had fears of icing due to Taka bakery bright ugly nasty tsting butter icing. But hey, my butter and icing sugar turned out quite well.. *bangga*
*I follow Priscs technique of putting mayo into the batter. It makes the result more fully and yummy.. =)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
An Apple a Day...
... will never keep the doctor away. So does rendang and curry, be it salad or durians. Humans will always have a time i life when they will meet up with those hardworking 7 years of studying doctors.
Well, I did today.
Me meeting the doctor is never unusual. It's almost like a routine I do not want to be abided to. So my sickness? I've always had various kinds of sickness. It all started from the baby who does not want to drink milk.
Nope it was not migraine. Though I've had it several times. The culprit of my ferocious bad ass headache is my stress! I could not believe it. And I hate that fact!! No wonder my neck hurts so much till my jaws hurt. It was those still muscle that gave everything away.
So the usual 'don't get so stressed' and 'go and do some exercise' was told. Not forgetting a prescription for medication. Than there was the 'if these do not work, I'll prescribe you to a neuron specialist'.. ok silence. This was not the first time I've heard it from a doctor. A neuron specialist... scary right. Anyway I also had prescription to go and get a message to relax my muscles. I've always had fears of going for a message because it looks so painful and Mummy will be telling me stories that her messeur presses her nerves till it hurts. I don't liek to be hurt.. =(
So look what I got from the pharmacy after the purchase of my medication?
A bottle of wine =)
I am serious. I too was surprised. The pharmacist lady told me it's a Christmas present. So OK!
Well, I did today.
Me meeting the doctor is never unusual. It's almost like a routine I do not want to be abided to. So my sickness? I've always had various kinds of sickness. It all started from the baby who does not want to drink milk.
Nope it was not migraine. Though I've had it several times. The culprit of my ferocious bad ass headache is my stress! I could not believe it. And I hate that fact!! No wonder my neck hurts so much till my jaws hurt. It was those still muscle that gave everything away.
So the usual 'don't get so stressed' and 'go and do some exercise' was told. Not forgetting a prescription for medication. Than there was the 'if these do not work, I'll prescribe you to a neuron specialist'.. ok silence. This was not the first time I've heard it from a doctor. A neuron specialist... scary right. Anyway I also had prescription to go and get a message to relax my muscles. I've always had fears of going for a message because it looks so painful and Mummy will be telling me stories that her messeur presses her nerves till it hurts. I don't liek to be hurt.. =(
So look what I got from the pharmacy after the purchase of my medication?
I am serious. I too was surprised. The pharmacist lady told me it's a Christmas present. So OK!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Apakah salahku??
Saya menulis post ini dalam Bahasa Malaysia sebab in case org putih membacanya.
Kita dilahirkan manjadi warga Malaysia menjadi penduduk benua Asia. Tapi apakah kesalah kita menjadi seorang Asian? Kita memang dilahirkan begitu. So, bermulalah ceritaku ini yang mengisahkan hidup aku sebagai bukan sahaja org Malaysia di negara omputih tetapi juga gadis berambut hitam, yang secara umumnya dilabelkan org Asia oleh omputih.
Sebagai warganegara Malysia, kita dididik dan diajar untuk menghormati orang lain tidak kira rupe, ada mata ke tidak, warna kulit dan warna-warna rambut (walaupun di Malaysia semua orang berlainan agama dan secara racistnya, berlainan kaum).
Tetapi di negara omputih, mereka memandang agak rendah level kita sebagai makhluk dunia. Oleh kerana itu, kita selalu dimaki. Beratus tahun dahulu mereka datang menyeksa kita dan membunuh nenek moyang kita. Tetapi kita masih mengatakan yang terbaik terhadap mereka. Ini bukan sahaja di Malaysia, malah di semua negera di benua Asia. Di China, Filipina dan lain-lain.
Di Malaysia, sebaliknya pulak. Sesiapa yang ada kawan yang berkulit putih atau berkahwin dengan orang berkulit putih, kita mengagung-agungkan kewujudan mereka. Pelik bukan?
Pada hari ini, saya duduk di kelas di kalangan budak-budak omputih. Dua budak Jerman di tepi saya tengah berborak-borak dan saya bepusing ke arah pintu (dan menghadap budak itu secara tidak langsung). Tiba-tiba budak laki tepi saya memandang saya dan berkata ''Scheiß Asien'' (taik betul orang asia dalam kata lain, Shit Asians).
Apakah tindakan dan perasaan anda jika anda berada di tempat saya?
Dengan itu, saya mengakhiri post blog ini dengan persoalan,
kenapa kita selalu memandang tinggi orang yang memijak-mijak kepala kita dan melayan kita lagi teruk dri anjing mahal mereka?
Omputih ni kulit je putih, otak cam haram perangai cam sial.
Terima kasih.
Kita dilahirkan manjadi warga Malaysia menjadi penduduk benua Asia. Tapi apakah kesalah kita menjadi seorang Asian? Kita memang dilahirkan begitu. So, bermulalah ceritaku ini yang mengisahkan hidup aku sebagai bukan sahaja org Malaysia di negara omputih tetapi juga gadis berambut hitam, yang secara umumnya dilabelkan org Asia oleh omputih.
Sebagai warganegara Malysia, kita dididik dan diajar untuk menghormati orang lain tidak kira rupe, ada mata ke tidak, warna kulit dan warna-warna rambut (walaupun di Malaysia semua orang berlainan agama dan secara racistnya, berlainan kaum).
Tetapi di negara omputih, mereka memandang agak rendah level kita sebagai makhluk dunia. Oleh kerana itu, kita selalu dimaki. Beratus tahun dahulu mereka datang menyeksa kita dan membunuh nenek moyang kita. Tetapi kita masih mengatakan yang terbaik terhadap mereka. Ini bukan sahaja di Malaysia, malah di semua negera di benua Asia. Di China, Filipina dan lain-lain.
Di Malaysia, sebaliknya pulak. Sesiapa yang ada kawan yang berkulit putih atau berkahwin dengan orang berkulit putih, kita mengagung-agungkan kewujudan mereka. Pelik bukan?
Pada hari ini, saya duduk di kelas di kalangan budak-budak omputih. Dua budak Jerman di tepi saya tengah berborak-borak dan saya bepusing ke arah pintu (dan menghadap budak itu secara tidak langsung). Tiba-tiba budak laki tepi saya memandang saya dan berkata ''Scheiß Asien'' (taik betul orang asia dalam kata lain, Shit Asians).
Apakah tindakan dan perasaan anda jika anda berada di tempat saya?
Dengan itu, saya mengakhiri post blog ini dengan persoalan,
kenapa kita selalu memandang tinggi orang yang memijak-mijak kepala kita dan melayan kita lagi teruk dri anjing mahal mereka?
Omputih ni kulit je putih, otak cam haram perangai cam sial.
Terima kasih.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Counting counting... and still..
How many of you have found yourselves counting days in the calender at anytime of the day? It's sickening right? It makes my head wanna burst but I still do it. Annoying. It's not like my head has not enough things to detain till the next few months. Wait, it's next month. And to day is officialy the 1st of December. Please burn my calender to avoid me from counting. I have better things to count.
My head hurts like nobodys business. I hate it that it's getting cold, that winter is already present and I have to wear heaps of clothes before I could survive the cold. And you know what I hate about the cold? Its that I have to wear thick warm clothes to go out but when I enter the building, I start to sweat. Arghh... That's why I relly hate shopping during winter. It's almost -3degress outside and when you enter the shops, it's a warm 27degrees or so. In out in out.. Saya rasa macam ikan berenang-renang dalam air suam. Ok, no point there. haha.. I always use that anyway when I'm in that fishy situation.
Fw days ago, I felt like my jaw was going to fall off because I have a feeling that I dislocated it while sleeping.. Ok it hurts. But now my head hurts. I think I'm stressed. For the first time after I left school, a big pimple pop-ed right out of my forehead. Brings me back to my school days where big huge pimples are trademarks. Adolescents. Exams are a few weeks away so that means... *give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, give me oil in my lamp I pray.. keep me burning till the break of day*. Too bad sunday school days did not require us to burn till the break of day. Good times those days. Anyway, end of January.. How many papers? That's my secret.
After all the internet I doing work with, I've gotten bored of it. Yeap. That's why I post regularly than I used to. Facebook is no longer my best friend now. It turned cold towards me. SO, I don't wanna be its friend. So say bye-bye Airline Manager stockholders and fishes that turn sick after eating algae. I'm still there though.
I should be studying!! But before that, I'll show you my handphone turned bottle opener which still did not open the bottle.
I can imagine what you would say... Changi and Felicia can go first. hahaa... Write what you have to say about my handphone. I was really thirsty!! Look how much sugar consumption I have during my stress period. I rarely drink coke or anything in its brotherhood...
See, I'm still not gone yet. But I really had a vision last night, that God put a really red bold DO NOT DOUBT on my desktop screen. So I will not doubt. And I stared my day aspiring to be Ruth the Moabite woman who left her home to be in a foreign land =) God is still with me..
ciao~ now, it won't be long till I'm back
My head hurts like nobodys business. I hate it that it's getting cold, that winter is already present and I have to wear heaps of clothes before I could survive the cold. And you know what I hate about the cold? Its that I have to wear thick warm clothes to go out but when I enter the building, I start to sweat. Arghh... That's why I relly hate shopping during winter. It's almost -3degress outside and when you enter the shops, it's a warm 27degrees or so. In out in out.. Saya rasa macam ikan berenang-renang dalam air suam. Ok, no point there. haha.. I always use that anyway when I'm in that fishy situation.
Fw days ago, I felt like my jaw was going to fall off because I have a feeling that I dislocated it while sleeping.. Ok it hurts. But now my head hurts. I think I'm stressed. For the first time after I left school, a big pimple pop-ed right out of my forehead. Brings me back to my school days where big huge pimples are trademarks. Adolescents. Exams are a few weeks away so that means... *give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, give me oil in my lamp I pray.. keep me burning till the break of day*. Too bad sunday school days did not require us to burn till the break of day. Good times those days. Anyway, end of January.. How many papers? That's my secret.
After all the internet I doing work with, I've gotten bored of it. Yeap. That's why I post regularly than I used to. Facebook is no longer my best friend now. It turned cold towards me. SO, I don't wanna be its friend. So say bye-bye Airline Manager stockholders and fishes that turn sick after eating algae. I'm still there though.
I should be studying!! But before that, I'll show you my handphone turned bottle opener which still did not open the bottle.
ciao~ now, it won't be long till I'm back
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