Have been madly busy but gladly happy lately. Winter Break gave me much fun. I've been a handful of things, sharpening skills and just simply having fun.
I became a hairdresser. Snipping and trimming and not forgetting ironing.
Man, Guys these days. Even I myself never let a straightening touch my hair. But for the save of making my friends even much more good looking, I crossed my fingers tight and went on cutting hoping for the best. 3 products. Not bad after all. i haven't vacuumed my room since a week ago. if a murder is done here, we will never know who did it!
thats mr straightening
I celebrated Birthdays Not forgetting making Birthday cakes and meals
*Baked Brownies Cheesecake*
*Naqeeb turned 20 on the 9th of Feb*We made a video for his surprise birthday. Its not a surprise that engineering students can also become amateur actors. But it won't be shown until editing is done. =)
So from Naqeeb

To all Landshuters and crew
And there was also a great Girlfriend who turned 21
*Belle turned 21 on the 13th of Feb*
*I made Raspberry Cheesecake for her*
*Thats a Swarovski for her*I had a week spent in Friedberg for Belles Birthday.
I celebrated Valentine
but i will not attach any info on this part.

I than stayed on with And.
So we spent our time
Shopping.......................walked Frankfurt through the snow.
Making dipped choc strawberries
*theres And with her strawberry*

Had our banana split nights

and ate
and also had nightly beers thanks to German Brauerei. damn i'm so putting on weight. and i'll surely blame Fr Sim for that. you just wait for your turn ok.
So till the next update, i'm smiling from ear to ear eager to know what tomorrow has to offer.
Pretty pretty photos :)
You had fun alright! Next time, you trim my hair ok??
ahaks.. if i trim ur hair rongak later... =D
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