i have been quite busy lately. paranoid as well. exams are coming up and seriously, i do NOT know what to expect. im not so sure how things are done here during exams. its my first anyway so may God grace be upon me.
before i tell the tale of my first Christmas away from home, id love to wish everyone a great Christmas (hope u guys had fun!) home seems so far away now. i try to limit my calls home due to my past phone bills. id cry my eyeballs out to see another 200euros printed on my phone bill. so to those who texted me, im so sorry i cant text back. i noe.. sad2..
been looking at photos in Facebook.. how happy people looked, the girls had their dinner together after so many years apart, celebrated Audrey, Freda and Jamies birthday. well all happy2 in photos but behind those smiles, no one knows whats goin on. but smiles anyway. positive thinking.
as for me, i spent my Christmas up north in Friedberg. particularly Andrinas place. and dont ask why i dont go there often. 7 hours train ride is not so fun. but the presence of friends will erase it all. we had our chirstmas eve dinner. it didnt go well as we planned but we had fun. i cooked "Pansoh" chicken rice. explain2-its actually chicken rice cooked in bamboo but i made it in a pot. well it kinda taste the same. and the others loved it. then came drinking time. had a few glases of wine as Tommy and his friend from camaroon had. then the whole clan came and kinda spoil the warm party we were having. danced sang converse... then *piang* a drunk guy droped his glas of alcohol. ok *chow chow* they left Tommys place (where we had the party). things went back to normal. we waited for midnight. than midnight came. and yes, i cried. its normal ok. try being me here. tough situation. wished everyone a merry christmas, hugged and wiped tears then the presents came. yey! opening time.. tadaa~
christmas day... we invited people for lunch. and i amazingly made Laksa Sarawak. nyum2. my side emergency meal was also a hit. something like Sugerbung Savory rice and honey roasted chicken. the idea only came at 4am when me and And suddenly realised we dont haf anything much to serve cos i left a packet of Laksa paste at my place. so the meal began. than there was Malay tougue twister thought to a Chinese from China. haha. we had a great time. laughed till my jaws hurt. again and again.
at dinner, i was already exahausted. the rest made dinner and i came to eat. dragged my aching back which was not massaged well. wrong person to ask to do it. after dinner, we had.. KARAOKE!! walaupun dengan suara yg tak seberapa.. its so fun to sing together. then desi and i danced poco-poco. hahaa. finally.. a partner for me =)
things went on well, went for lunch at Frau Antons place the next day, walked Frankfurt in the cold icy air without resistance and 2 movies ended the night. next day, back to Landshut.
i may talk much on the food and stuff but the most important highlight is the people who spent these moments with us. it was really hard at first since nobody agreed to celebrate Christmas with us. well here i can say, i really thank Afiq, Bachok, Mat, Syuk and Acap for making this moment away from home a great one. 9 hours from Deggen is tiring yes i know but i really treasure them for being my friends. not forgetting dem friedbergers.. for making this magical event possible!
so thats Christmas 2008 for me. happy Birthday Jesus!! bless me...
signing off with the real meaning of Christmas
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Malaysia Sings
a great compilation... and its true. theres no place like home. i love you home..
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thank God Its FRIDAY!!!
its been a long sad tiring week for me. and everything went in all directions. and someone had to hear me whine about my negatives the whole week. yes u were right. i need a catalyst! argh!! positive thinking .. be an optimist please!!
bad leg back ache. after the hectic weekend, the pain still stays on. long enough till today. overslept, missed engineering maths class, went on till konstruktion lecture, didn't bring along drawing board. hardly understood anything!
night of the week that i never look forward to. Tuesday nights stands for hostel-bar night. the time when German students drink till they get soo drunk.. breakaway from their serious personality and just do stupid stuff. yes really stupid. i have in mind that i shoud ignore anything that happens on this night. see, my room is in at the entrace of the block. so they will crowd around outside my room to smoke cos they cant smoke in the bar downstairs. and its so annoying when they ring and ring my doorbell. they'll press it for a few minutes and its around 130am. and im sleeping!! place cleared at around 2 and im already fast asleep. at 3am i awoke with an annoying noise buzzing in my head. the fire alarm went off and i thought they did it purposely on me. i sat in my room for half an hour trying to figure out the source of the high frequncy ringing. outside was already full. maybe those drunkards really had fun fooling me. i cant stand the sound and was already halucinating with stupid thoughts in my head. i text my friend "sabrun, kau dapat tido ke dgn bunyi nyaring ni??" and guess what happen? he called back asking me to go out. i got dressed and he came knocking on my door. outside was a really badass scene. 3 firetrucks, 2 police cars and an ambulance. ok time to open my eyes from my halucination. this was real. after a while, the ringinging stopped, we went back to our rooms. and my body was still 'ringing' with the frequncy of the bells!! so much for drunk students!
i was so indulged in my own surrounding, chatting online when i told my friend, "i think those people are drunk again. my kitchen seems so noisy" and the noise went on till i slept. see, my kitchen is always a hub for drinking. and they drink like theres no tommorow.
woke up to go for class.. guess what? NO WATER!! theres only hot water from the water heater. so good luck with high temperature on the skin in a winter morning. i managed to survive. went out and saw a tracktor digging behind my kitchen. owhh ok. piping i guess. and it WAS about the PIPES!! no pipes no water, resulting in the chaos the night before. yes. my kitchen was a platform for the spectators to watch the free splurging fountain the night before. it was like a free poolparty. now that answers the noise. not the drinking.
all i can say is that i so thankful im here alive today with a renewed mood. cant wait to catchup with people at home. week off to Slazburg Austria =)
bad leg back ache. after the hectic weekend, the pain still stays on. long enough till today. overslept, missed engineering maths class, went on till konstruktion lecture, didn't bring along drawing board. hardly understood anything!
night of the week that i never look forward to. Tuesday nights stands for hostel-bar night. the time when German students drink till they get soo drunk.. breakaway from their serious personality and just do stupid stuff. yes really stupid. i have in mind that i shoud ignore anything that happens on this night. see, my room is in at the entrace of the block. so they will crowd around outside my room to smoke cos they cant smoke in the bar downstairs. and its so annoying when they ring and ring my doorbell. they'll press it for a few minutes and its around 130am. and im sleeping!! place cleared at around 2 and im already fast asleep. at 3am i awoke with an annoying noise buzzing in my head. the fire alarm went off and i thought they did it purposely on me. i sat in my room for half an hour trying to figure out the source of the high frequncy ringing. outside was already full. maybe those drunkards really had fun fooling me. i cant stand the sound and was already halucinating with stupid thoughts in my head. i text my friend "sabrun, kau dapat tido ke dgn bunyi nyaring ni??" and guess what happen? he called back asking me to go out. i got dressed and he came knocking on my door. outside was a really badass scene. 3 firetrucks, 2 police cars and an ambulance. ok time to open my eyes from my halucination. this was real. after a while, the ringinging stopped, we went back to our rooms. and my body was still 'ringing' with the frequncy of the bells!! so much for drunk students!
i was so indulged in my own surrounding, chatting online when i told my friend, "i think those people are drunk again. my kitchen seems so noisy" and the noise went on till i slept. see, my kitchen is always a hub for drinking. and they drink like theres no tommorow.
woke up to go for class.. guess what? NO WATER!! theres only hot water from the water heater. so good luck with high temperature on the skin in a winter morning. i managed to survive. went out and saw a tracktor digging behind my kitchen. owhh ok. piping i guess. and it WAS about the PIPES!! no pipes no water, resulting in the chaos the night before. yes. my kitchen was a platform for the spectators to watch the free splurging fountain the night before. it was like a free poolparty. now that answers the noise. not the drinking.
all i can say is that i so thankful im here alive today with a renewed mood. cant wait to catchup with people at home. week off to Slazburg Austria =)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
1st Advent Weekend
its been a while since i blogged about anything. its hard to find time nowadays with more work and headache which is also equivalent to much body pain and heartache. a lot have been going on in this little town of Landshut. about a week ago we have officially entered the winter season with much anticipation. and yes I've experienced snow which im not so fond of. snow came late here compared to the other parts of Bayern and well, it did not stay for long too.
*my studentenwohnheim in winter*
*we were here, Hard rock Muenchen*
*Muenchen Christkindmarkt*
Starting this week, the whole of Germany is entering the Advent festive season. It marks the 4 weeks before the Christmas Celebration. Every Sunday of Advent, a candle will be lit on the Advent ring. its one of those things you see on TV that people put on the door during Christmas. funny that they have so much to prepare for when Christmas actually has no huge meaning for them. Its just a celebration weather you believe in the son of God or not. *sadness* the whole place is lit and Christmas markets are up all around Bavaria. These Christmas Markets are gladly exciting and fun. they sell all sorts of stuff from Christmas trees and ornaments to dipped chocolate fruits and traditional warmed wein they call gluehwein. Gluehwein works well in this really cold climate where i walk and could not feel my fingers!

this weekend, the girls came down from friedberg to attend the Mara's Girls day Out programme. we met at Muenchen on Friday and had our time together. Experienced the opening of muenchens Weihnachtsmarkt, strolled down the brightly lit and decorated streets and of course took photos. we then timed-out at Muenchens Hard Rock cafe for bites and also those thirst quenching drinks. so when andrina and I sat for drinks, i get my usual margarita and she will always get what is recomended. at least she got out fine.. not the lil' miss spinny head-salt eating girl in mid-valley which i will never forget. after a meal, they went to shop st the merchandise store while i spend my time looking at those signed guitars. That night, we went back to LAndshut still hungry and made Lasagna for supper. we crammed in my little room for lights out and as usual, me and Belle will still be talking in the dark.


this weekend, the girls came down from friedberg to attend the Mara's Girls day Out programme. we met at Muenchen on Friday and had our time together. Experienced the opening of muenchens Weihnachtsmarkt, strolled down the brightly lit and decorated streets and of course took photos. we then timed-out at Muenchens Hard Rock cafe for bites and also those thirst quenching drinks. so when andrina and I sat for drinks, i get my usual margarita and she will always get what is recomended. at least she got out fine.. not the lil' miss spinny head-salt eating girl in mid-valley which i will never forget. after a meal, they went to shop st the merchandise store while i spend my time looking at those signed guitars. That night, we went back to LAndshut still hungry and made Lasagna for supper. we crammed in my little room for lights out and as usual, me and Belle will still be talking in the dark.

Saturday came.. one of those tiring dates that i will keep in my heart. Those train waiting moments that hurts you so much that you will also hate the punctuality of Germans. the moment we stepped on the platform, only a second too late. we found ourselves waving goodbye to mr train heading for Nurnberg. so well, thats why we are here. waited another hour. got the whole schedule messed up, lost our way in Nurnberg.
we finally put the pieces together, found our destination and had our first official Girls day out with other Malaysian Scholar Students here.
And our activities were..
owh well, i do expect those laughters from the male species. yes thats what we call sports. unless you think playing zero point is so easy when you're 20. things we so much easier 10 years back. at least i did not have my veins streched making my leg hurt so much while playing. the guys as usual will have their game of futsal. and the gilrs will say, boys with their ball-kicking. we went over to meet up with the rest at their futsal game. well only some of them. got a few with us and had our fun at the Nurnberg town.
Nurnberg is a really beautiful place i can say. not forgetting with so many people that it seems like a stempede. got saperated a few times with the group but theres always ways to get hold of each other.we saw horses, had fun looking at stuff, testing things that could be tested, watching children goin on rides and wishing we could too. we bought all kinds of food from the cutely decorated stalls that had toy decorations and shared together.. sweet stuff, cinnamon flavoured, vanilla cream, chocolate and apple sauce.. picking on each others food.
things of course had to end. and it did. we got on the train.. it was filled with malaysian students and we were so endulged with ourselves that we were not aware of the announcement. what we knew was that the train was delayed. NOT changing its route. so there we were, on a train heading to ingolstadt-Muenchen instead of Landshut-Regens-Muenchen. Spent time on the train with much chaos finally transitted in Muenchen then headed back home...
It may be one of my most tiring experience but because of friends, it went great as they are always there to share your laughters and bad train moments.
we finally put the pieces together, found our destination and had our first official Girls day out with other Malaysian Scholar Students here.
And our activities were..
1. Futsal
2. Tali Getah or zero Point
3. Batu seremban
4. Galah Panjang
2. Tali Getah or zero Point
3. Batu seremban
4. Galah Panjang
owh well, i do expect those laughters from the male species. yes thats what we call sports. unless you think playing zero point is so easy when you're 20. things we so much easier 10 years back. at least i did not have my veins streched making my leg hurt so much while playing. the guys as usual will have their game of futsal. and the gilrs will say, boys with their ball-kicking. we went over to meet up with the rest at their futsal game. well only some of them. got a few with us and had our fun at the Nurnberg town.
Nurnberg is a really beautiful place i can say. not forgetting with so many people that it seems like a stempede. got saperated a few times with the group but theres always ways to get hold of each other.we saw horses, had fun looking at stuff, testing things that could be tested, watching children goin on rides and wishing we could too. we bought all kinds of food from the cutely decorated stalls that had toy decorations and shared together.. sweet stuff, cinnamon flavoured, vanilla cream, chocolate and apple sauce.. picking on each others food.
things of course had to end. and it did. we got on the train.. it was filled with malaysian students and we were so endulged with ourselves that we were not aware of the announcement. what we knew was that the train was delayed. NOT changing its route. so there we were, on a train heading to ingolstadt-Muenchen instead of Landshut-Regens-Muenchen. Spent time on the train with much chaos finally transitted in Muenchen then headed back home...
It may be one of my most tiring experience but because of friends, it went great as they are always there to share your laughters and bad train moments.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuning Soul
"Music is my life and my life is music, the beat of the drums in your hearts"
The magic of music that no one knows.why does music move you in every way?? i stil dont understand. thank God for youtube. i can reminisce all those sweet memories in silly songs. the thing about me is, i have memories for every song and i do not know why. it doesnt matter if i like it or not. wether its a junction, a road or an object, i see why music has taken effect on me. Lately we have been browsing music videos on youtube. with the exception of karaoke-ing on skype to Bidayuh songs. watching those videos i havent seen for more then 10 years!! i still remember the dance steps, moves and lyrics. at least i x end up dancing in my room like some people. hahhaa.. for the love of music... its so great how music lives in us.
90s pop affects most young girls at those times. not forgetting those endless list of boybands thta only became one hit wonders. i was a victim of music, i admit. and i still am. music make you live. its not full of naggy words but just a simple melody to testify your situation in life. well music nowadays are so much more influencial. we never really listen properly due to those up beat music and catchy chorus. but it seems to me that they are more negative as they tell you how to have sex and smoke weed or commit suicide. a negative impact on the world today. see it from a diffrent spec. you'll be amaze if u listen to them carefully. music back then was so laid back, telling you how beautiful love is (if you havnt woke up to the real world) or just silly funky lyrics talking about the taxi driver from calcutta. it scares me that when i was young everyone sang "liquid dreams" like it was nothing when it was really SOMETHING. so listen properly to wad you're singing out from your mouth. it sometimes will make you look foolish.
well, music will always be there for you, just tune to what your soul needs.
enjoy music!
90s pop affects most young girls at those times. not forgetting those endless list of boybands thta only became one hit wonders. i was a victim of music, i admit. and i still am. music make you live. its not full of naggy words but just a simple melody to testify your situation in life. well music nowadays are so much more influencial. we never really listen properly due to those up beat music and catchy chorus. but it seems to me that they are more negative as they tell you how to have sex and smoke weed or commit suicide. a negative impact on the world today. see it from a diffrent spec. you'll be amaze if u listen to them carefully. music back then was so laid back, telling you how beautiful love is (if you havnt woke up to the real world) or just silly funky lyrics talking about the taxi driver from calcutta. it scares me that when i was young everyone sang "liquid dreams" like it was nothing when it was really SOMETHING. so listen properly to wad you're singing out from your mouth. it sometimes will make you look foolish.
well, music will always be there for you, just tune to what your soul needs.
enjoy music!
my long time favourite song
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
the hurting leg sister

this picture soo reminds me of you but then im the one waiting for you to get here with ur "kaki kudung". hahahaha. dats what happens when u always say that ill end up like that. ok enuf. i know how it hurts. so the petua is to walk and not sit or lay because if you so, it will "masuk angin". actually its cause the blood dont flow. avoid sleeping or beaing static in cold places. i mean where theres air conditioning. and i recommend that you go and ask mummy to bring you to masssage it for the blood circulation.
to aviod getting your ankle sprained the 4th time on the same spot
1. EXERCISE!!! small base heavy weight?? not a good combination for anyting thats wants stability
2. watch where you are goin. jalan pakai mata bukan lutut.
3. kempunan may be the cause. so get your mind off food and refer to no. 1
4. be careful.
so thats all i've got to advice as a sister. hahaha. ill be praying for you.
love you lots!! muahh!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A letter to Malaysia
Dear Malaysia,
How have you been lately? I've heard a lot of news about you but i could not split the truth from the false. looks like things got pretty hectic huh? its been two months since i left but my heart still stayed with you. Nothing beats being a Malaysian, not even being in Europe. how is it going with the government and the economic situation? I just pray that things will get better. prayers are always the best way to sort out situations. For me, being far from you makes me miss you so much. Ive had great times with you in my past years and i'm sure to have it till its time for me to leave you for good.
Malaysia, you are so blessed in many ways. Counting your blessing will take real long as it passes from Kelantan to Sabah. With your exotic beauties and great gifts, its no wonder a soul like me could not bare to leave you. you have given me amazing times both good and bad, and it made me learn a lot in this life. We had great fun don't we?? Having ABC or lai chee kang on a hot and sunny day is always the greatest treat. And those amazing stars that shine like blankets of diamonds were always amazing for me as i gaze at them on the way back from the kampung. Its just a waste that i cant really do that when i was staying in KL though. two years in KL was one of my great 730 days. It never seems to sleep and always has something to offer everyone of all ages. Those times when we had nights out in clubs and spend almost 2 hours in Subang looking for the home of a drunkard young lady. Amazing stuff alcohol makes you do. my fridays when i would take the train down to hang Tuah Station to go to Bukit Bintang. Walking along Pudu Jail to save a few pennies under your hot blazing sun. how Times Square was the place for us to spend our wednesdays for cheap movie tickets. you sur have your ways with students.
still malaysia, i admire your spirit of road driving and rage. How scary became not so scary and how speed traps can be replaced by a cup of coffee in the mamak stall. the minds of your people that you cant find anywhere else. your long jams are what i always saluted. i never figured them out somehow. especially your famous festive season back to back traffic. 7 hours on the Karak highway was a car show gallery for me. and how you would close your roads during your birthday and strike beautiful flowers in the sky at midnight. that act of closing your main road would make me suffer from Urinary track infection if you did not have mousy streets from Petaling Jaya to KL.
to tell you the truth Malaysia, i really wish i was with you now. sitting with my family back home enjoying each others company and going back to Taee on the weekends... the glory of Durians in this season. i'll be having a great time as i used to. As Christmas is approaching, how we would do our preparations and Christmas carols and Productions. The presence of ECF is so God gifted and they strongly pray for you in every way. malaysia, i love you and really hope for the best for your future. well, i hope i'll be back to serve you as your citizens have given me this chance to be here. i wont let you down malaysia.
lots of Love from your native girl
How have you been lately? I've heard a lot of news about you but i could not split the truth from the false. looks like things got pretty hectic huh? its been two months since i left but my heart still stayed with you. Nothing beats being a Malaysian, not even being in Europe. how is it going with the government and the economic situation? I just pray that things will get better. prayers are always the best way to sort out situations. For me, being far from you makes me miss you so much. Ive had great times with you in my past years and i'm sure to have it till its time for me to leave you for good.
Malaysia, you are so blessed in many ways. Counting your blessing will take real long as it passes from Kelantan to Sabah. With your exotic beauties and great gifts, its no wonder a soul like me could not bare to leave you. you have given me amazing times both good and bad, and it made me learn a lot in this life. We had great fun don't we?? Having ABC or lai chee kang on a hot and sunny day is always the greatest treat. And those amazing stars that shine like blankets of diamonds were always amazing for me as i gaze at them on the way back from the kampung. Its just a waste that i cant really do that when i was staying in KL though. two years in KL was one of my great 730 days. It never seems to sleep and always has something to offer everyone of all ages. Those times when we had nights out in clubs and spend almost 2 hours in Subang looking for the home of a drunkard young lady. Amazing stuff alcohol makes you do. my fridays when i would take the train down to hang Tuah Station to go to Bukit Bintang. Walking along Pudu Jail to save a few pennies under your hot blazing sun. how Times Square was the place for us to spend our wednesdays for cheap movie tickets. you sur have your ways with students.
still malaysia, i admire your spirit of road driving and rage. How scary became not so scary and how speed traps can be replaced by a cup of coffee in the mamak stall. the minds of your people that you cant find anywhere else. your long jams are what i always saluted. i never figured them out somehow. especially your famous festive season back to back traffic. 7 hours on the Karak highway was a car show gallery for me. and how you would close your roads during your birthday and strike beautiful flowers in the sky at midnight. that act of closing your main road would make me suffer from Urinary track infection if you did not have mousy streets from Petaling Jaya to KL.
to tell you the truth Malaysia, i really wish i was with you now. sitting with my family back home enjoying each others company and going back to Taee on the weekends... the glory of Durians in this season. i'll be having a great time as i used to. As Christmas is approaching, how we would do our preparations and Christmas carols and Productions. The presence of ECF is so God gifted and they strongly pray for you in every way. malaysia, i love you and really hope for the best for your future. well, i hope i'll be back to serve you as your citizens have given me this chance to be here. i wont let you down malaysia.
lots of Love from your native girl
Monday, November 3, 2008
Why Science??
Ever wondered why we have to learn science? Or the logical thinking of maths? When i was young i used to question the natural phenomena a lot. why this and why that. Why is the sky blue and the ocean blue? but when u are up in the sky, its just a colorless empty space and the ocean waters are clear in the palm of your hands. I guess most of you who had spent time studying with me would still remember that question. What we see, hear, do or speak has its place in the history of our souls. Maybe some will end up in the history books of our children or grandchildren. That was why we had to learn a lot in our history class. I can imagine Malaysian History in the next 10 years or so. Thank God i was born earlier. Think of what will be printed in those pages : economic down turn of Malaysia, ministers showing who's boss and so what is shown on the news.
A salute to those who made NOW possible
Figuring out a math or physic question is always though. but those who figured it out had a real hard time. Most only got acknowledge after death. and we get it easily at a young age. questions like is the earth square or flat? Yeah, i knew the answer when i was in primary school. the theory of Einstein that gravity exist. I've read somewhere that the equator has a stronger gravity pull. the reason why we are short. Logic or no logic, i myself do not know the answer. what i can say is... only God knows. why?? because he made you and me so he is the master of all creation.
A lot of theories and believes are popping up like mushrooms due to the intelligence of Men this era. And their age gets younger and younger. Most don't end up like Einstein of Archimedes. Above all, there must be basic to what we have today and it is clear that without these gray headed people, none of this would exist. No cars, radios, planes and I would not even be typing this. We would be living in a world of our own not knowing whether there are anyone else besides ourselves. Now, many of us wish we would one day create history. May we be the big shot, super star or President, we all have our own dreams and its ok to dream big. to think again, most of these things are created by accident. we know that humans are not perfect. thats why its ok to make mistakes. it can make you the next big thing one day!
A salute to those who made NOW possible

A lot of theories and believes are popping up like mushrooms due to the intelligence of Men this era. And their age gets younger and younger. Most don't end up like Einstein of Archimedes. Above all, there must be basic to what we have today and it is clear that without these gray headed people, none of this would exist. No cars, radios, planes and I would not even be typing this. We would be living in a world of our own not knowing whether there are anyone else besides ourselves. Now, many of us wish we would one day create history. May we be the big shot, super star or President, we all have our own dreams and its ok to dream big. to think again, most of these things are created by accident. we know that humans are not perfect. thats why its ok to make mistakes. it can make you the next big thing one day!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I don't know about you but i never liked Thursday since i had to go to school. Thursday always seem long and tiring and moundy. When i was in primary school, i never looked forward to Thursday though my favorite subject falls on this day. On Thursday we always had to stay back 30 minutes later than usual. my Thursdays get worst if i had to stay back to "bertugas" cleaning the classroom. I was always a victim (i think) yang ditindas. No one wants to sweep the floor and it gets worse since its the day for pendidikan Seni (my fav subject). I remembered the times when i would sweep fast trying to catch up with time as it would already be late by the time i get doen to the church compound. I will than get nags for being late. Okey adults, its not my fault. i had to bertugas on a day that i hate so much. I still do not like Thursdays. i don't know why. it makes me feel grouchy and sick. if i would choose a day to delete from the week.. it would be this special day.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Schones Wochenende
The best thing about being in Europe is how amazing the public transport is. Time will always be the issue in hand. On the 43rd week of the year, i traveled alone across the states of Germany .. alone. I'm fond of doing things that is different and not forgetting spontaneous. I traveled to Hessen alone after less than 2 hours of decision-thinking and processing and lastly making. So that was my weekend. Wait.. i have to thank those whom i made worried. Thanks for being worried. I'm safe in Landshut now.
I spent most of my weekend in the train but i still had a great time with the girls up north. we catch up on stories, gossips and girl stuff which i don't get here. We attended 2 open houses on Friday and Saturday. mind you that Frankfurt has a lot of Malaysians. So being students, we will surely have the opportunity to have great meals from kind heart ed families here. Well taken care of i can say, but still not enough for the winter warming period. I got to meet people who made it possible for Malaysian students to be in Germany, Mara director, those in charge of foreign students and those from the embassy. Compared to Bayern, those in the north mix more with the adults as there are very few students there.
We ate, sang and danced... adults with high enthusiasm and fond of their younger days karaoke-ed and the dancing started. we were just sitting by the side as we do not know any of the songs (80's you see.. i was born in the late 80's). In the end, we got pulled by the crowd. It was Malaysian Chef Ismail that started the havoc actually. He pulled us to dance, where i almost fell for avoiding.
going on a trip alone made me observe things that i never realized. It isn't that scary to venture alone. A good guide is God and your heart. have faith that God is always looking after you. to my friends who never go out alone. one day if its an emergency, you'll get lost if you don't practice being independent. Back home, people are always afraid of being alone. you'll know how it feels if you're in a strange land with language that you don't quite understand. during the trip, an incident occur where there was a Korean girl traveling alone. Mind you that she is on a holiday. Alone and she barely speaks English what more to say Deutsch. This girl travels alone guided with a Korean tour book and her camera. She sat on the same row as i was in the train and i overheard her conversation with a German man. with little english that she knew, she told the man about her trip and showed him pictures on her camera. Amazingly she went and visited the whole of Bavaria and Switzerland. hats off to this young lady! Now i can say why Korean is so much forward in comparison to my country. They go all out with no fear of communication whatsoever. Great determination.
On Sunday was the end of the daylight saving for the whole world. well countries with 4 seasons i guess. So Germany went 1 hour back while places like Australia went 1 hour ahead. It was alien to me at first but i guess people here are used to it. I woke up an hour earlier to catch a bus to the train station but found out that i had an hour extra. We can never turn back time but now i know that there is such thing as extra time. nearing winter, the days are shorter now. Its dark and cold by 5pm. Snow expected in a few days. Something I'm not looking forward to. God please keep me warm~
I spent most of my weekend in the train but i still had a great time with the girls up north. we catch up on stories, gossips and girl stuff which i don't get here. We attended 2 open houses on Friday and Saturday. mind you that Frankfurt has a lot of Malaysians. So being students, we will surely have the opportunity to have great meals from kind heart ed families here. Well taken care of i can say, but still not enough for the winter warming period. I got to meet people who made it possible for Malaysian students to be in Germany, Mara director, those in charge of foreign students and those from the embassy. Compared to Bayern, those in the north mix more with the adults as there are very few students there.
We ate, sang and danced... adults with high enthusiasm and fond of their younger days karaoke-ed and the dancing started. we were just sitting by the side as we do not know any of the songs (80's you see.. i was born in the late 80's). In the end, we got pulled by the crowd. It was Malaysian Chef Ismail that started the havoc actually. He pulled us to dance, where i almost fell for avoiding.
going on a trip alone made me observe things that i never realized. It isn't that scary to venture alone. A good guide is God and your heart. have faith that God is always looking after you. to my friends who never go out alone. one day if its an emergency, you'll get lost if you don't practice being independent. Back home, people are always afraid of being alone. you'll know how it feels if you're in a strange land with language that you don't quite understand. during the trip, an incident occur where there was a Korean girl traveling alone. Mind you that she is on a holiday. Alone and she barely speaks English what more to say Deutsch. This girl travels alone guided with a Korean tour book and her camera. She sat on the same row as i was in the train and i overheard her conversation with a German man. with little english that she knew, she told the man about her trip and showed him pictures on her camera. Amazingly she went and visited the whole of Bavaria and Switzerland. hats off to this young lady! Now i can say why Korean is so much forward in comparison to my country. They go all out with no fear of communication whatsoever. Great determination.
On Sunday was the end of the daylight saving for the whole world. well countries with 4 seasons i guess. So Germany went 1 hour back while places like Australia went 1 hour ahead. It was alien to me at first but i guess people here are used to it. I woke up an hour earlier to catch a bus to the train station but found out that i had an hour extra. We can never turn back time but now i know that there is such thing as extra time. nearing winter, the days are shorter now. Its dark and cold by 5pm. Snow expected in a few days. Something I'm not looking forward to. God please keep me warm~
Monday, October 20, 2008
The part of life that nobody likes or loves to face. Something or someone being gone. Especially those that are close to our heart. Going gone can be in various ways, a break up or the passing of loved ones, this will always affect the way we view life and other perspectives that will bring us forward, may it be positive or negative.
The saddest part of life is always losing a loved one. I've been through it twice and it still affects me until today. losing a father at a very young age is never a dream for a child nor for the mother. and as time goes by, i had to let go of my lovable grandmother who had always been my shelter. I'm not much of a professional on emotions but i still have one. So my heart goes out to you, those who have lost a great someone lately. I believe that God has a purpose for things that happen and that he have planned our life even before we were born.
Losing a friend can always burn a hole inside of us. My mother lost her best friend to cancer last 2 months. and the sad part was that her last wish before she went was to meet my mum. Unfortunately the wish stayed only her last wish and my mum only got to know a week later. A lost friendship of more than 20 years. Just gone in a breaking news. A lesson to be learned to all of us who cherish friendships. We may not know what happens in a second or two.
Age does not make us feeling-proof if there is such a word. When i was younger, i always wanted to be the one who leaves first because the hurt of losing someone traumatizes me. As i grow up, i realized that people will always come and go in life but its always the memories that remains. A really strong faith was what kept my family through and i really thank God for that.
Things will one day be gone.. God will always be there as they leave.
The saddest part of life is always losing a loved one. I've been through it twice and it still affects me until today. losing a father at a very young age is never a dream for a child nor for the mother. and as time goes by, i had to let go of my lovable grandmother who had always been my shelter. I'm not much of a professional on emotions but i still have one. So my heart goes out to you, those who have lost a great someone lately. I believe that God has a purpose for things that happen and that he have planned our life even before we were born.
Losing a friend can always burn a hole inside of us. My mother lost her best friend to cancer last 2 months. and the sad part was that her last wish before she went was to meet my mum. Unfortunately the wish stayed only her last wish and my mum only got to know a week later. A lost friendship of more than 20 years. Just gone in a breaking news. A lesson to be learned to all of us who cherish friendships. We may not know what happens in a second or two.
Age does not make us feeling-proof if there is such a word. When i was younger, i always wanted to be the one who leaves first because the hurt of losing someone traumatizes me. As i grow up, i realized that people will always come and go in life but its always the memories that remains. A really strong faith was what kept my family through and i really thank God for that.
Things will one day be gone.. God will always be there as they leave.
Gone, like yesterday is gone,
Like history is gone,
The world keeps spinning on,
Your going going gone,
Like summer break is gone,
Like saturday is gone
Just try to prove me wrong
You pretend like your immortal your immortal
We are not infinite
We are not permanent
Nothing is immediate
We're so confident
In our accomplishments
Look at our decadence
Gone, like Frank Sinatra
Like Elvis and his mom
Like AL Pacino's cash nothing lasts in this life
My highschool dreams are gone
My childhood sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesn't last for long
"Gone - Switchfoot"
Like history is gone,
The world keeps spinning on,
Your going going gone,
Like summer break is gone,
Like saturday is gone
Just try to prove me wrong
You pretend like your immortal your immortal
We are not infinite
We are not permanent
Nothing is immediate
We're so confident
In our accomplishments
Look at our decadence
Gone, like Frank Sinatra
Like Elvis and his mom
Like AL Pacino's cash nothing lasts in this life
My highschool dreams are gone
My childhood sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesn't last for long
"Gone - Switchfoot"
Monday, October 13, 2008
revived tradition
Spending my weekend in Muenchen i learned to see the meaning of our tradition. Not that it was a shocking eye opener but it made me realize no matter how modern or up to date we are in this high tech era, our culture still has a part in us. i saw all this from the eye of a girl sitting on the bed watching all her friends playing bottle caps on her bedroom floor.
the game of bottle caps or locally "tudung botol" is usually played in villages about 10 years ago. obviously that was the time when we were back in primary school. well i myself never played this game before as it was popular among the boys and also because i attended an all girls school.
The situation is now, after more than 10 years not playing this game which involves skill and strategy. a group of 6 guys collected bottle caps and settled down in a circle. masing-masing nak menunjukkan skill. ayam tambatan kampung. that was when i saw how time changes everything. children nowadays don't know how it is without electronic games and the flat liquid screens. with more game consoles in stores, the basic of children life outside the four walls is abandoned. to me, it kills the joy of being a child and most importantly the creativity of one. running in evening breeze and chasing kites or just being outside spinning tops. that's what i call healthy competition, though most of the time one will go back home crying because of a silly fight and game rules. i call that survival skills. that's where you learn.
back to the tudung botol competition. here i am almost asleep when i heard the cheer, almost of a little child playing with his friends. too bad i saw a group of happily playing boys in their 20s. sometimes reviving your childhood makes you happier and relieves the stress of the world today. there's nothing wrong about showing the kid in you!
the game of bottle caps or locally "tudung botol" is usually played in villages about 10 years ago. obviously that was the time when we were back in primary school. well i myself never played this game before as it was popular among the boys and also because i attended an all girls school.
The situation is now, after more than 10 years not playing this game which involves skill and strategy. a group of 6 guys collected bottle caps and settled down in a circle. masing-masing nak menunjukkan skill. ayam tambatan kampung. that was when i saw how time changes everything. children nowadays don't know how it is without electronic games and the flat liquid screens. with more game consoles in stores, the basic of children life outside the four walls is abandoned. to me, it kills the joy of being a child and most importantly the creativity of one. running in evening breeze and chasing kites or just being outside spinning tops. that's what i call healthy competition, though most of the time one will go back home crying because of a silly fight and game rules. i call that survival skills. that's where you learn.
back to the tudung botol competition. here i am almost asleep when i heard the cheer, almost of a little child playing with his friends. too bad i saw a group of happily playing boys in their 20s. sometimes reviving your childhood makes you happier and relieves the stress of the world today. there's nothing wrong about showing the kid in you!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Same festivity diffrent ground
I would like to wish those who are celebrating Raya back home and not forgetting the ones far from home a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Being a Malaysian, we celebrate every festive season that is printed on the calander. and we do make the best out of the season. this year we made Raya happen in Bavaria. Im going to acknoledge Bavaria because the frankfurters are having fun at frankfurt eating with Chef Ismail. *blek!*
Event : Hari Raya
Date : 30th September 2008
Place : Rumah En Tajuddin (regens' Msian Hall), Regensburg
This story tells of Landshutters going to Regensburg on the 29th of September. Pioneers and adventurers alike, we went through the place on our own and it took us 2 hours on feet to our destination. Its not that we were not given bus numbers our what to do. but we just had fun figuring out stuff. and that was how we got to know Regensburg on our own.

That night we had our dinner at Abg Tajuddins house and his wife Kak Ain really cooked well. We had tom yam, asam pedas prawns(if im x mistaken) and satay.. nyam2. not bad for being far from home. the gathering gathered more than 20 of us together, all from different batches so we got to know each other despite of the year gap. Late night, we crash in the regenburgers crib to end the night. well mine ended but the boys continued on with poker till dawn. i got the best place to sleep anyway *grins* thanks!

The morning of raya started with a knock on the door with the boys wearing sampin and songkok. and im not even awake. Sleep early wake up late. hihi. so we all got dressed and the boys headed to the mosque while i went to the shopping complex in my baju kurung. Later, i went to Kak Ains house. We really ate malay raya food. Where else can you find nasi himpit, rendang, lemang, satay, lontong and curry in the middle of Europe. But we got it. Before feasting, we had our photo session. look how outstanding i was. taman bunga.
Now to imagine this next scene is quite .. i dont know how to express it in words. after we left kak Ains house we took a bus back. but we had to change bus at the main bus stop to go back. so we waited and we looked like a living Msian Museum. All clad in songket and songkok, the bus stop was filled full by us. yes we do get the stares and also more smiles. not forgetting interview. almost everyone there asked what we were wearing. so welcome to the colder part of malaysia. we do agree when they say we look great though. the rest became models for baju melayu while i went for baju kurung. im the only girl you see.. hmm..
the only rose among the many thorns.. and i got roses! from kind hearted frens that saw how it feels like to be the only eve generation among them. i had to bring the flowers to regensburg from landshut and back. i went with 7 stalks and came back with a pot.. and i really wana extend my heartiest thanks to those involve. they never knew that i loved flowers in the first place. thanks for being so great. ahaks.. ill post the pic of the potted roses after it blooms.

Event : Hari Raya
Date : 30th September 2008
Place : Rumah En Tajuddin (regens' Msian Hall), Regensburg
This story tells of Landshutters going to Regensburg on the 29th of September. Pioneers and adventurers alike, we went through the place on our own and it took us 2 hours on feet to our destination. Its not that we were not given bus numbers our what to do. but we just had fun figuring out stuff. and that was how we got to know Regensburg on our own.
That night we had our dinner at Abg Tajuddins house and his wife Kak Ain really cooked well. We had tom yam, asam pedas prawns(if im x mistaken) and satay.. nyam2. not bad for being far from home. the gathering gathered more than 20 of us together, all from different batches so we got to know each other despite of the year gap. Late night, we crash in the regenburgers crib to end the night. well mine ended but the boys continued on with poker till dawn. i got the best place to sleep anyway *grins* thanks!
The morning of raya started with a knock on the door with the boys wearing sampin and songkok. and im not even awake. Sleep early wake up late. hihi. so we all got dressed and the boys headed to the mosque while i went to the shopping complex in my baju kurung. Later, i went to Kak Ains house. We really ate malay raya food. Where else can you find nasi himpit, rendang, lemang, satay, lontong and curry in the middle of Europe. But we got it. Before feasting, we had our photo session. look how outstanding i was. taman bunga.
Now to imagine this next scene is quite .. i dont know how to express it in words. after we left kak Ains house we took a bus back. but we had to change bus at the main bus stop to go back. so we waited and we looked like a living Msian Museum. All clad in songket and songkok, the bus stop was filled full by us. yes we do get the stares and also more smiles. not forgetting interview. almost everyone there asked what we were wearing. so welcome to the colder part of malaysia. we do agree when they say we look great though. the rest became models for baju melayu while i went for baju kurung. im the only girl you see.. hmm..
the only rose among the many thorns.. and i got roses! from kind hearted frens that saw how it feels like to be the only eve generation among them. i had to bring the flowers to regensburg from landshut and back. i went with 7 stalks and came back with a pot.. and i really wana extend my heartiest thanks to those involve. they never knew that i loved flowers in the first place. thanks for being so great. ahaks.. ill post the pic of the potted roses after it blooms.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Missing.. and living in memories
a clip done by Ahmand Syazwan aka Manjong now in Amberg Weiden. Though looking tough on the outside, all of us have a soft side. We really miss those Gmi moments. Really great ones. This clip says it all. look how innocent we look like 2-3 years back. all this pictures have their own significance and story behind them. yes, i miss those moments too.. Afiq tido tak leh blah. Nasib xde gamba aku tido. hanya d memori jer.
sedih sey..
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Its the 24th of September
Today is a great day for someone that i salute the most in my life. yes, ive gone through a lot with her beside me and today is her 20th birthday! I really want to wish Amanda Sura Nanta the greatest on this day. C'mon b.. take a break for a while and enjoy your special day. Well none of us could forget this day about4 years ago. my, how time has passed. ok some thing happened. not to manda but to me. so i wont tell it here. shh..
Shes one really great girl with all the faith in the world to believe in Christ. A once little girl which i knew in kindergarden with gigi rongak. we were best buddies because both were rongak. haha. and she started her journey in life with many rocky roads but now, shes still standing with the grace of God. shes always behind my big behind always giving me the support and prayers i need and i really want to thank god for this great girl.
heres to you sister! Happy 20th Birthday!
Shes one really great girl with all the faith in the world to believe in Christ. A once little girl which i knew in kindergarden with gigi rongak. we were best buddies because both were rongak. haha. and she started her journey in life with many rocky roads but now, shes still standing with the grace of God. shes always behind my big behind always giving me the support and prayers i need and i really want to thank god for this great girl.
heres to you sister! Happy 20th Birthday!
Muenchen trip
2 days back, we had a trip to.. MUENCHEN! yeap. an amazing one. living in Bavaria, Muenchen is something like kuala Lumpur. the main City of Bavaria (I think). so this is my story to you about Muenchen. it wa drizzling that morning but we insisted to go. our reason was : It rains heavier in Malaysia. eerrmm.. i myself dont know what kind of reason that is. well, it was real cold for me. we took the train about 45 mins from landshut. This 2 weeks muenchen holds a special event. Its the Oktober Fest. ill write more about it later. so because of this event, i saw a lot of bavarians clad in their tradional costume. which was so cool. they even wore it to work. i was in the bank cashing out my cheque and i saw lots of them in their costume. they even sold it commercially and some foreigneers dressed-up too. so my thought was, if it were to be this way in Sarawak, things would look really obscene. The thought of people goin to work in "cawat" aint so cool.

when we got to muenchen, we visited the Marion Platz. as we got out of the subway station, i was so amazed by the buildings and the structures!! it dated back almost 500 years ago. its government building looked like a museum with statues. if the statues had lives, it would be really spooky. good imagination huh? like what they had for the gargoyles in hunchback of northe dame. the cathedral was so old but it was really huge. i only went through one exit and out the other. but i managed to see the golden alter. we climed the tower to see the whole city. i thought it wont be so high. but it really was. and the best part is that we had to climb the stairs. urghh!! noe im not much of a stamina person so i was already out of breath when we just reache 1/3 of the tower. with much grief, i pushed myself to the top. and of course that was i rush of blood to my face for me. i was sweating despite the really cold raining weather.
we planned to go to the museum but we didnt have enough time so guess where we went.. hihi.. the famous bavarian beer and sausage festival. Oktober Fest. it wasnt only about beer and sausages, its a big carnival with rides and games and of course food. man, i was really excited. the place was filled with many people of different race and color. now, thats what i call beer brings the world together. the reunion factor like the tiger beer advertisement where the beer bottle got saperated from the crate. so this was it, the festival.
their rides were so amazing! the moment i stepped on the carnival ground, i knew i had to ride this ride. i was so excited as usual. ill get to the extreme and that was what i rode. this ride which im not sure what its name is, i really huge and could kill the shit out of you. it was like seeing the city from the top but better. so i got to see the whole city of Muenchen and more as i was upside down with my feet in the air. i was like stepping of muenchen. haha. but hell yeah it was SO great! you could even feel like your blood is gonna rush out your nose and eye sockets. "sorry mummy, i had to do it. i know you wont let me if youre here" theres just something about me and those machanical rides that sometimes my mum really wish i could throw away.
to the rest of the festival, it means beer. the place is crowded with beer drinking people, with a band playing and people cheering and dancing on tables. 1 liter of beer costs 8 euro, withe a wide range of german beer to choose from. still so much cheaper than back home. i wanted to sit and drink but the place was so packed that they only had reservation tables left. n of course id look odd drinking alone in such a fest. so to all my alcoholics this is the festival for you! next time ill make gawai as such. haha. without much luck, i did not have a beer. so i went around and got myself a sausage burger which taste so good and a candy apple.
we left the fest at aroud 5 and there was more people coming to fill the place. we went back to marion platz to have our dinner. as usual, turkish kebab. hehe. this maybe my first time there but well, im sure in 3 or 4 months time, i wont wanna go there again. hehe
when we got to muenchen, we visited the Marion Platz. as we got out of the subway station, i was so amazed by the buildings and the structures!! it dated back almost 500 years ago. its government building looked like a museum with statues. if the statues had lives, it would be really spooky. good imagination huh? like what they had for the gargoyles in hunchback of northe dame. the cathedral was so old but it was really huge. i only went through one exit and out the other. but i managed to see the golden alter. we climed the tower to see the whole city. i thought it wont be so high. but it really was. and the best part is that we had to climb the stairs. urghh!! noe im not much of a stamina person so i was already out of breath when we just reache 1/3 of the tower. with much grief, i pushed myself to the top. and of course that was i rush of blood to my face for me. i was sweating despite the really cold raining weather.
we planned to go to the museum but we didnt have enough time so guess where we went.. hihi.. the famous bavarian beer and sausage festival. Oktober Fest. it wasnt only about beer and sausages, its a big carnival with rides and games and of course food. man, i was really excited. the place was filled with many people of different race and color. now, thats what i call beer brings the world together. the reunion factor like the tiger beer advertisement where the beer bottle got saperated from the crate. so this was it, the festival.
their rides were so amazing! the moment i stepped on the carnival ground, i knew i had to ride this ride. i was so excited as usual. ill get to the extreme and that was what i rode. this ride which im not sure what its name is, i really huge and could kill the shit out of you. it was like seeing the city from the top but better. so i got to see the whole city of Muenchen and more as i was upside down with my feet in the air. i was like stepping of muenchen. haha. but hell yeah it was SO great! you could even feel like your blood is gonna rush out your nose and eye sockets. "sorry mummy, i had to do it. i know you wont let me if youre here" theres just something about me and those machanical rides that sometimes my mum really wish i could throw away.
to the rest of the festival, it means beer. the place is crowded with beer drinking people, with a band playing and people cheering and dancing on tables. 1 liter of beer costs 8 euro, withe a wide range of german beer to choose from. still so much cheaper than back home. i wanted to sit and drink but the place was so packed that they only had reservation tables left. n of course id look odd drinking alone in such a fest. so to all my alcoholics this is the festival for you! next time ill make gawai as such. haha. without much luck, i did not have a beer. so i went around and got myself a sausage burger which taste so good and a candy apple.
we left the fest at aroud 5 and there was more people coming to fill the place. we went back to marion platz to have our dinner. as usual, turkish kebab. hehe. this maybe my first time there but well, im sure in 3 or 4 months time, i wont wanna go there again. hehe
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Kehidupan Perantau
its saturday afternoon and i havnt done anything much. i made myself lunch though. egg sandwich. i planned to do laundry but i dont haf 3 pieces of 5ocents. so there goes my laundry for the week. im scared to go down to the basement to do my laundry alone anyway. so since the others are still snoring away, im sitting in front of my laptop chatting with my loved ones.
since i have nothing much to do, so ill tell about this place here. its much differnt than back home. it makes me miss home much. and my mum n sister. i cried reading changis blog just now. so silly girl. badan jak besa, ati kedak taufu fah. hahha. well, its not wrong to have a soft side. just to know the right time to show it.
culturally, its totally the opposite in this land. most of us got a shock the first time we landed in the Frankfurt airport. the toilet is equipped with a condom vending machine. usually back home it will be the sanitary pad machine but here its different. Asian culture is not so open about sex and stuff but well, welcome to Europe. its tag line was "makes enjoyment better" or something like that. wad the?? there is even an erotic party advertised publicly. VERY eye-catching. it also comes with porn stars. err.. OK.. God please guard my heart!
talking about Germany, cars will surely come in mind. yeap. they have whatever series of BMW and Mercedes here. its like looking at Proton back home. very common. the only Japanese car i see often is the Toyota Yaris. Besides that, the list is topped by Opel, Porsche and VW. Call this place high-tech huh. very. people here are left side drivers so everything is on the opposite side. even the road is terbalik. so i have to really watch out while crossing. pening aku. being a 'maju' land its brands are famous worldwide. but here its cheap. so i get to use Schwarzkopf shampoo which only hair professionals use back home. hehe. siap can cuci jamban.
everything is so precise here. the timetable for the bus says 1:08pm. and exactly it comes at the exact time. well Malaysian time is only 5 minutes or consequent. 1:08 means 1:10pm. but here, every minute and second counts. the professor enters class 2 minutes earlier and exactly at 8:30am, the class immediately starts. its like whoa..
people here are very friendly. its not normal back home to greet everyone you meet but here, they greet everyone that walks past them. odd eyh? when we go down to town, its quite quite unless the sun shines brightly. i feel very funny here when i see cars with loud music and teens going around with techno music. i still have the mindset that its only the 'ah-bengs' that do that. i should always remind myself that techno comes from the west, not east. ministry of sound and so on. ;)
despite being so high tech, people here appreciate visual art and stuff like that. yesterday in town they had something like a street art festival. there's tight-rope, jokers, people walking on stilts, a street band and stuff like that. of course im excited about it because im interested in it. hehe. so i went running from one show to another. then my friends had to follow behind. hehe.
so a new place gives me something new. now, this is my life as a 'perantau'.
since i have nothing much to do, so ill tell about this place here. its much differnt than back home. it makes me miss home much. and my mum n sister. i cried reading changis blog just now. so silly girl. badan jak besa, ati kedak taufu fah. hahha. well, its not wrong to have a soft side. just to know the right time to show it.
culturally, its totally the opposite in this land. most of us got a shock the first time we landed in the Frankfurt airport. the toilet is equipped with a condom vending machine. usually back home it will be the sanitary pad machine but here its different. Asian culture is not so open about sex and stuff but well, welcome to Europe. its tag line was "makes enjoyment better" or something like that. wad the?? there is even an erotic party advertised publicly. VERY eye-catching. it also comes with porn stars. err.. OK.. God please guard my heart!
talking about Germany, cars will surely come in mind. yeap. they have whatever series of BMW and Mercedes here. its like looking at Proton back home. very common. the only Japanese car i see often is the Toyota Yaris. Besides that, the list is topped by Opel, Porsche and VW. Call this place high-tech huh. very. people here are left side drivers so everything is on the opposite side. even the road is terbalik. so i have to really watch out while crossing. pening aku. being a 'maju' land its brands are famous worldwide. but here its cheap. so i get to use Schwarzkopf shampoo which only hair professionals use back home. hehe. siap can cuci jamban.
everything is so precise here. the timetable for the bus says 1:08pm. and exactly it comes at the exact time. well Malaysian time is only 5 minutes or consequent. 1:08 means 1:10pm. but here, every minute and second counts. the professor enters class 2 minutes earlier and exactly at 8:30am, the class immediately starts. its like whoa..
people here are very friendly. its not normal back home to greet everyone you meet but here, they greet everyone that walks past them. odd eyh? when we go down to town, its quite quite unless the sun shines brightly. i feel very funny here when i see cars with loud music and teens going around with techno music. i still have the mindset that its only the 'ah-bengs' that do that. i should always remind myself that techno comes from the west, not east. ministry of sound and so on. ;)
despite being so high tech, people here appreciate visual art and stuff like that. yesterday in town they had something like a street art festival. there's tight-rope, jokers, people walking on stilts, a street band and stuff like that. of course im excited about it because im interested in it. hehe. so i went running from one show to another. then my friends had to follow behind. hehe.
so a new place gives me something new. now, this is my life as a 'perantau'.
Scenes All Around
being new to a place of course means a lot of photo taking. too bad my camera went kaputt by the time i reached the frankfurt airport. but i managed to get some photos from my friend. so here is what we did in landshut..
we must look really weird walking all over town in a group. haha. it was fun though.
*like always, my back scene.. typical shoot*
we must look really weird walking all over town in a group. haha. it was fun though.
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