
Saturday, September 10, 2011

MIA : Update from a new place

Gosh it's been quite a while. After a whole month of running around places I've never been to, and in the midst of packing and unloading, last month has been quite a hectic one. I've finally settled down in my new place which will be my shelter for the next 5 months. I'm currently doing my semester internship in Regensburg, a 40 minute train ride from my previous place.

Hopefully everyones well. Seems like the flu and cough bug is back. Quite a number have been sick lately. Do take care. prevention is beter than cure. Drinking lots of water will do you lots of good. Not only keeps you hydrated but it cleanses too. Good skin comes from drinking lots of water I believe. cos that's my secret *ecehh*

Summer has ended for most European countries. But there's still bits and pieces left behind hat we stil try to grab hold onto. The Summer holiday ends this week for the kids, so parents will all be back to work starting next week. I've come to know that working in Germany gets you 30 working days off per year. Which is equal to 6 weeks. I'm not sure about other posts but that's what an engineer get yearly. Lucky Lucky. Can't really compare to only 2 weeks back home can we?

I'll try to post up more now since everything is settled. I've just managed to *finally* get my internet today. Apparently not all Desktops are wifi friendly. Quite a struggle there because I can't seem to make the programme detect the home wifi. But all's well now. My desktop has finally been updated to the technological world! I've been hovering on my smartphone the whole time. Thank God I had it. Having to splurge on a phone doesn't make it a waste you know.

Ok so I'll try to catch up on my posts then.


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